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Chapter 9 Nine

Word Count: 1531    |    Released on: 02/05/2024


m no, I just told him I WILL THINK ABOUT IT. So it doesn't necessarily mean I refuse the idea of going with him on a date." I explained calmly and carefully. "So does that mean you accept to go on a date with him? I'm using your phone to call him now and tell him that you accepted and you chose tomorrow as the perfect day to go on a date." She said excitedly grabbing my phone instantly. "No, no, no, I didn't say so," I said, slowly taking the phone from her before she called Blaze. "Isn't that what you meant?" "Karly, I know you want the best for me but you know how hard it is for me to trust a person. I just met Blaze, I need to take time to observe him before I show any interest in knowing him. I know you want to ask if I no longer feel attracted to him like I said yesterday. The ask is no, I still find him very attractive and compelling but I have to ignore these feelings and know who he is before I accept my attraction for him. I'm not ready to go on dates with him, I can message him or call him and have a little chat with him until when I'm sure I want to get to know him. I know you understand what I mean." I explained. "Aww, come here baby. I'm sorry for pushing you too hard without listening to you first. I ignored how you really feel and only thought of how Blaze feels. I'm so sorry my love, don't worry I won't push you again if you don't want to. I will support you no matter the decision you make, just follow your heart, and while following your heart also read signs and listen to your instinct in case your heart ignores the signs." She said, pulling closer into a comforting and supporting hug. I was happy with what she said and for the assuring hug. Her hug always relieves me of worries and stress, I held onto her tightly and whispered into her ears, "Thank you, Karly, for understanding me and don't you dare apologize again, you are scaring me." I said, and we laughed happily. "Ok Clair, I love you!" "I love you too!" I replied still clinging to her. "Quick reminder, tomorrow is your interview, hope you didn't forget?" She asked, breaking the embrace to look at my face. She looked at me suspiciously. "You forgot didn't you?" She asked, she knew the answer. "I did, but I have you here to remind me. Don't I?" I asked smiling. "Of course you do, that's the reason don't keep things in your head because you have me to always remind you!" She said, rolling her eyes. "You got me there," I said, laughing. She smiled softly. "Oops! The food is getting cold! Come on Clair let's eat, I know you must be hungry." "I am starving, you must have been starving at work today, come on let me feed you." "I was

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