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Authoress Peculiar


Clair is a sexy single girl who has never dated a man in her life. She refused any man who made advances. She was too scared to trust any other person apart from her best friend. But that all changed when a hot mysterious man saved her from a pervert. WHO IS THIS MYSTERIOUS MAN AND WILL SHE BE ABLE TO SHUN HIM ALSO?

Chapter 1 one


I was returning home from an interview that rejected me again for the second time. I was feeling disappointed and confused and I wanted nothing more than to get home faster. It was already dark and I had to follow a shortcut in a gloomy alley so I could get home sooner. I was having second thoughts about the alley and almost regretting my decision to follow the alley. A few minutes into the alley, I sensed someone's presence, someone was following me. I started walking faster thinking I could lose whoever was behind me, as I increased my pace, I could tell the person behind me also increased his or her pace. I was getting a bit scared, I was about to start running when a strong hand gripped me by the shoulder. "Ah! Who are you? What do you want?" I asked while thinking of possible ways to escape from the stalker. "Hey, hey, easy there, too many questions, pretty face. Shouldn't you know that walking alone in this alley at night is dangerous? You should take precautions next time but consider yourself unlucky today because I'm not gonna let you go until I have my way with you, pretty face." He said as he held my wrist and started pulling me to a darker alley, I couldn't see his face properly because the alley was very dark but I could still manage to see his eyes which were getting darker. "Let go of me, you moron!" I found myself yelling at the top of my voice as I began to hit him as hard as possible but it was useless. "Nah that's not gonna happen pretty face, if I let go of a snack like you I'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life. And even if you yell from now till tomorrow nobody will come to your rescue." He said as he tightened his grip, dragging me to an endless dark alley. "If you don't let go of me right now, you'll regret it for the rest of your miserable life, and trust me your life will be so miserable that you will wish for death to take you." I blurted out, my best friend always says that my mouth is sharper than the sword of a man. I had to be brave so I could defend myself from bullies and situations where I had to be independent and all the situations I had encountered so far, I was independent and I helped myself through it. I depended on myself and no one else. I learned a few tricks on how to escape perverts and thugs like this one but none of my tricks worked on him, he was different from all other perverts I had encountered. He was twice my size and there was something non-human about him. Maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me I thought. "If you try anything with me, my boyfriend will come for you and hunt you down when he finds out about what you are about to do." I thundered, of course, I was bluffing, I had never dated a guy in my entire life before. I couldn't trust any guy or anyone except my best friend Karly. "Your boyfriend? Hahaha don't make me laugh. Your boyfriend? Hunt me down? And how will he do that?" He asked as he sneered arrogantly. "You don't wanna find out, do you?" A strong masculine voice said, and immediately I felt my body getting tense in a way I had never felt before. "And who the f**k are y..." The pervert said as he turned toward the man but he paused his sentence when he saw who the person was. "W..wha..t... are... you do...ing he..re sir...? I... I mean.... sorry sir, I didn't mean to question you." The pervert stammered in fear as he bowed his head nervously, too scared to take a second look at the mysterious man. "What are you still waiting for? Scram before I unleash h*ll on you." The mysterious man's voice thundered, his voice resounding and covering the full alley. Almost immediately the pervert ran so fast that you would think he had some sort of superpower for speed. I was so surprised and was trying to make sense of what just unfolded before me. Who was this man and how could he scare that huge pervert away without doing anything? This, and hundreds of other questions, were flowing through my mind. "Follow me." I heard the mysterious man say to me, bringing me out of my pool of thoughts. I wanted to protest and part of me wanted to do as he said so I just obeyed and followed him. I followed him as he took me out of the alley and brought me to a more open and lighted place. I could easily see him properly now and he was huge! Here I thought the pervert was huge, but he was bigger than the pervert and he had this intimidating aura that could make any girl's knee become jelly. He was wearing a v-shaped tee shirt and a pair of rugged jeans Is it even legal to be this handsome? That was my first thought, his muscles and biceps bulged out on full display. His body looked like that of a Greek god His haircut was messy and wild, Grecian hooked nose, and a flawlessly chiseled face. His eyes were my favorite, he had these perfect piercing blue eyes that fit his powerful aura perfectly. He is the most handsome and masculine man I had ever laid my eyes on and I was feeling irresistibly drawn to him. Blaze I was walking to my favourite bar to lay off some steam when I heard voices coming from an alley close by. I wanted to ignore it and mind my business but for some reason, I couldn't. It was as if something was drawing me to where the voices were coming from. I followed the direction where the voices were coming from, when I got there I saw one of the rogues that usually stays around that part of the alley to commit nuisance. He was trying to drag a lady against her will, all of a sudden I was enraged and I felt the urge to torture the rogue and protect HER. But I didn't want to scare her, so I refrained myself and let the rogue go. I found myself telling the lady to follow me, at first I thought she wouldn't listen to me but surprisingly she did and here we are, out of the alley into the open where we could see ourselves properly. Boy was she beautiful, she was screaming perfection from her head to her toes. She was slender and beautiful, her curves could make a man lose his sense of reasoning. No word could do Justice to her face, her nose was straight and narrow, and her lips were full and rosy complementing her ocean-blue eyes which were enchanting and calming. She was the dream girl for any guy but unfortunately, I wasn't any guy. I just took over my status as the alpha wolf of my pack and I needed to find my mate as soon as possible. I've been on journeys in search of her but it seems like she wasn't in existence. I decided to visit my favourite bar to relieve myself from my frustrations then I started hearing voices and behold I found this beautiful lady. For a moment I just wished she was my mate so I could make her MY LUNA immediately. "It is impossible, she is a human" I whisper, reminding myself that I can only marry my mate and no one else. I squelched the thoughts of having anything to do with her before it became too late. But will I be able to forget this ethereal human? This was the question that was resounding in my head. "Did you say something?" She asked with her soothing voice. "No," I said "Okay now you're safe, you can go home now and remember not to follow this alley again at night, your boyfriend can't save you when he doesn't have any idea that you're in trouble." I said to her, feeling a bit disappointed and jealous by the fact that she had a boyfriend. "Thank you very much for your help. I don't have a boyfriend, I just said that to try to scare him off." She replied, and I immediately felt relieved after she mentioned that she had no boyfriend. "I will take my leave now," I said, walking away. My wolf was disappointed to leave her behind. "Wait!" I heard her sweet voice saying. "Anything else?" I asked while pretending to be uninterested. "May I know your name?" she asked innocently. "We will meet again if we are fated to then will I tell you my name. Do you believe in fate?" I asked. "Maybe or maybe not," she replied. I nodded and strode away leaving her behind. I could feel her eyes piercing through my skin for some seconds before she walked away in the opposite direction. Clair I felt a strange prick in my heart as I watched him leave. I couldn't understand why I felt that way for a total stranger, I couldn't move. I stood there for some time as I watched his silhouette become smaller. I watched him for a few more seconds before I turned in the opposite direction and walked home. When I got home, I opened the door with my spare key and was walking toward my room. I was so exhausted that all I could think about was my bed. I was about to open the door to my room but was startled by a voice I recognized. "Well, well, who do we have here? Oh, it's the queen herself who couldn't give her best friend a call to inform her that she won't make it home on time." Karly said as she strode closer to me with her hands folded across her chest. "Karly! You scared the sh*t out of me!" I said to my best friend Karly who was upset with me. "Not as scared as I was, you went to an interview in the morning, and look at the time you are coming back. It's 8:37 pm! I tried calling you since you wouldn't call but all my calls were going to voicemail. You almost gave me a heart attack b*tch!" Karly said shouting, she was scolding me like I was her child. "I promise tomorrow I will tell you everything that happened today and trust me you will love the gist. I would have loved to tell you everything right now but I'm too tired and do not bother to bring me food. I will go straight to bed." I said to her with a faint smile. "I can see your eyes screaming tiredness so I'm not going to argue with you tonight. I will let you rest today but tomorrow you better have a good explanation for almost giving me a heart attack." She said as her anger subsided. She left as I opened my room door and entered inside. I launched into my small size bed and lay upward thinking about the hot stranger. It was impossible to get him out of my head, I was imagining what it would feel like to touch his rock-hard abs. After a few minutes, I felt my eyelid getting heavier and then I drifted to sleep.

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