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Word Count: 3654    |    Released on: 02/05/2024

desperately. My eyes were open but nothing was clear to me, everything was dissolved in its colour, looking like piles of dust. The voice was becoming cl

eeper into it, I could see white, something like a white cloth covering a small shaky body. The voice came again, urgent th

ly. His large hand curled around my wrist, my hand was only inches awa

asked furiously his gaze int

e no words from my mouth a

right here" he demanded, releasing my hand step

rdly silent, I began walking back. I had crossed Grey's room at least twice when he jumped out of the room g

lost words what wa

ast not minding about my slow pace. In a second, I was

want me to suck your veins d

y, I

and he slammed

was okay he was smiling, playful getting better from his dark mood. I have not seen him for a

to me that day, but he looked okay. Just silent. He had asked the guy who brought me to this room to bring me back

I took as companions while I was still here. Then what would happen to me. I

voices were. Today, I could not resist it, it was urgent and so small I could not resist it. I had no idea I was to end up in Grey's room. Wha

nt but I could not, it was too much for me having been raised like a normal child. I was crying now, feeling so hopeless and helpless. I wanted to be

only one plan in mind, when I wake up, and

er way into the room with a tray. I finished tying my hair in

" I feigne

oday?" she asked sinking

ky to be in a room with a wonderful TV" I sai

'll find something intere

I will. Ho

the dishes later?" she s

kers and entered the bathrooms locking the door as well. I drugged the large laundry basket into the shower cubicle. Standing on it, I began finding a weak point of the square slab above, I found it. I slowly pushed it up before pulling it down. No

y I was from childhood. Was I? I pushed the small metal lead above open and pulled myself out onto the cold slab. I replaced the lid, lay there looking around with a smile. The building war comma shaped, larger than I thought I could not see the other end. I was at the narrow end of the comma, w

pite being height phobic this was the only way out. I found one vine which was strong enough for my weight. I climbed

line screamed,

make it to some safe place in time. My feet refused to agree with me, I felt like I had dipped them in hot coa

tten lose. What did Grey think of me? That I would be stupid enough to sit in that so called coven and wait for them to kill me over their stupid myths? I c

He was the one who asked Grey to strip me in front of the council,

upid, I felt a large hand drop on my shoulder. My h

dier to come and find me. How smart. I shot to my feet, whirling around to find a tall guy looking at me. He look

on't just obey orders fr

y and we can go back to the coven peacefully? If you don't comply,

e. I had only taken two steps when I heard the sound of a sword being drawn. I swirled around

ut into my flesh and blood gushed from the cut. I let go and the sword flew towards Jason's mouth, he


vampires. Right there they started hitting I felt like I was rolling on rocks. I dropped to the ground culling up like a ball as they hit me more

right now

mply with us" Jason

ould only feel his presence, Grey. He stepped closer to me I immediately rolled to the side tr

power to go any further, stop

, I don't need

do I" h

know that I know nothing about the so called Gala vampire

council is not d

. I want my life back" I was begging hi

have long ago but at the moment you can't, you are stuck with m



at that when am dea

th his super speed. The next thing I remember is laying in his bed wo

pe route for himself. From the records when he went missing, he did not use the exits. He must ha

beginning" it was Adelyn, she had

ddy, I can't kill

e birthmark that is persuading you not to

t. I can't allow anyone to do it either,

you. Are you falling for her?" Addy was never in her rig

have to use my room, ask Tim to find another bed for her. She will use

t of questions to answer


heal her again?" Addy asked in disbel

leave her like thi

to you so much? Grey you are losing it, soon you will be falling off the loop bec

you need me, come on Jayd

hen I opened my eyes to look at Grey

it, I don't want it"

cision to make Bec

only get

ulled my hand to his mouth turning into his true form, fangs extended, eyes red and skin palling. Then he was licking my palm sucking some more blood from it. I thought he

y undies. What was he planning to do? His hand ran down my arms covered in scratches stained with blood. Then to

shame. I never thought it would ever get here, my friends in high

ver to inspect the scars on my back

t have to undergo the previous process, some of my blood" he was saying it like a p

oing that

his wrist. Oh no, I gasped in fear which was the perfect chance for him to squeeze his bleedi

d. He was looking at me, something crossed his face and it darkened. He pulled his hand away, licked it and the scar

ns. There is a lot I need to know about you" he said trying to get up but he dropped bac

w much you have weakened yourself" I sco

said his hold tighter on hi

at. His vampire face came on then his normal face, it went like that f

a vampire's power is weakened, he becomes blood thirst. I have to leave before I do something that I will never forgive myself

er was weakened anyway because of me from the first place. I wo

ately shut my eyes, but he pulled away qu

queezed shut as he leaned down towards me. He pushed my hair away from my neck the

forcing him to respond. He shut his eyes holding me closer, one of my hand was wrapped around his neck while the other was busy searching his trouser pockets. I found the small knife, curling my fingers tightly around it I pulled away. He was look

harp bladed knife clattered on the tiled floor, everything was still silent unmoving as Grey satisfied his thirst. I was okay with it, it was my weakness now, and I could do anything to make him happy. Ari had said to me once that vamps w

lowly shutting. I could not feel anything, then my breath began hitching. That is when he pulled away calling my name in a shocked and scared tone. I g

? I wanted to laugh at him but then I was losing my grip

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