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When the car was overturned and she was there in pain and agony with her mother dead plus her dad missing she thought that was it. But fighting with a night creature ending up captive in his coven, being tortured by his sister and surviving because of a birthmark she despised was a little enigmatic. Becky lived a not so perfect life but she was ok, but the day she ended up in the arms and under the mercies of a vampire Prince Adrian Grey she knew there was more into her life other than a submissive mother and a demon of a father. The game of survival, discovery and deceit has begun yet at the end of the road is the Greek god opening his arms to her with a killer smirk dancing on his sweet lips.

Chapter 1 Where the story begins

11:15pm is not a perfect time to be outside in the dark, but I was with my dad so...nothing to worry about...

There was really something to make me worry though, there was a black van behind us and it had been following us for quite some time. Dad had spotted it and was really working hard to lose it, it wasn't working every curve he made, and the van was right behind us. Mom who was sitting beside dad was worried sick not to mention I, who was freaking crazy about the idea of being followed.

Looking back, I saw the van was only inches away from our car, its windows are tainted, and I can't get a glimpse of anything. I exhaled desperately looking at my parents through the rare view. Mom began searching through the glove box curiously, she fished out a knife and passed it to me.

"Take it Becky, don't question about anything. If you make it out of here run and forget all about today!" mom said coldly

I took the knife from her, the knife reflected against the light, it was as sharp as ever. Its steel stainless and clean, it looked deadly. I swallowed hard painfully feeling hell crazy about holding such a deadly weapon in my hands. I stared into its edge, looking at the reflection of my brown eyes, there was something in there...

"Becky, don't lose that weapon" dad warned

"Why dad?"


He had not finished when a loud crush interrupted, then I felt as if I was being flipped over, being toasted harshly. My head hit something and the knife dropped off my hand. Warm fluid trickled from my forehead my world was darkening and I fought hard against the dark. Once everything was still, I forced my eyes to open and looked around. Everything was upside down, the car was upside down.

Where is mom, dad...?

"Mom! Dad..."

I looked ahead there was nothing pleasant to look at except mom's lifeless body. Dad was not there only blood stain on the driver's seat.

"Ma...mom...come on mother open your eyes ma...mom! Mom..." I dragged myself close to her the seat belt digging into my waist I didn't bother to remove it. I tapped my mother's cold cheek she didn't twitch or anything, she was quiet as ever. I roughly pulled off the seat belt and scooped her into my hands.

"Mom...you can't just leave me like this. It was my graduation today ha? Then this mom? I haven't even gone to college, and now you are leaving me mother?" I begged wearily but nothing happened. She didn't move or anything, she was still, cold and lifeless. Tears welled more and more, I could not understand what was going on. Why we were being followed...how everything happened so fast. Nothing made sense at all

"...and nothing will...you better leave..." a voice warned in my head.

With that I forced myself to pull away from my mom's lifeless body chocking with tears. I blindly searched for the knife, once I found it, I kicked the door open and stepped out into the cold silent night. The cold breeze penetrated through my denim trousers caressing my skin in a tormenting way, it made me scare even more. I could see nothing in the dark veil of darkness, except a dark body of the van that was following us behind driven away deep into the darkness. Fighting my tears that did nothing good other than make me lose hope even more, I tightened my grip against the knife and made a step into the darkness. Just then a blast sounded behind me and our car went up into flames, the flames sent a shiver down my spine. I turned around to witness dad's car and mom's lifeless body trapped in it being turned into ashes. At first I just saw the furious flames then as I lifted my gaze I saw a deadly figure on the other side of the flaming car!

Large sharp fangs from its mouth, its eyes were bloody red and its hands were so venous. My knees trembled and I made a quick turn, my adrenaline screamed at me. I began striding, then a jog, then I was running, deep further and further into the dark silent ghostly forest. There was no sound in the dark flora of the forest except from the noises of twigs breaking beneath my sneakers. My brain thought of nothing more except from the urge of running and running as far as I could go.

What was that creature? What did it want? Where the hell did it come from?

The last place I recall seeing such a creature was in the horror movies I always watched back home, was my life now a horror? Would I die? Could it be possible that I escaped death in the car then come out here to die?

What would happen to me? Where the hell was my father? Was he eaten by that creature? No! Father was the strongest man I do ever met in my whole life, he can't just be digested by such a nasty thing. He's alive, he must be alive he's somewhere doing great. Yeah, great or not but he needs to be alive I can't lose them both.

Slowly my feet began failing me, the adrenaline began ceasing functioning now, I slowed down to a jog then my shoulders slumped I could do no better than drug myself deep into the soundless forest that seemed haunted and hell crazy.

My eyes could no longer pierce into the dark, I slowed down looking around, and it felt creepy and so deadly. As I turned around I tripped over a bundle of twigs and fell face down. The knife slipped off my hands landing some distance away from me. I could see its shiny blade through the dim moonlight. I heard footsteps from behind me, I quickly reached the knife and sat up protectively holding the knife in front of me.

My whole body trembled, my hands shaking like crazy, my eyes saw nothing in particular other than a thick cloud of darkness. My heart slammed against my chest so loud that it scared me itself. I shot to my feet when the tension was unbearable, the sound of twigs breaking silently was distinct in my ears. I closed my eyes trying to focus on the source of the sound. Just then something hit me from the back I fell to my knees the knife dropping from my hands. The pain was making my head spin my ears squeal irritatingly, I panicked. A large strong hand grabbed me by my shoulders from the back. My muscles tightened, I tensed my breath hitching.

Gathering the leftovers of my strength, I swung to my feet struggling against the figure. I kicked at nothing in particular, the groan assured me that it had landed in someone's groins...a man. He surely got pissed off, he grabbed my hair I squealed and he slammed me against a tree. I screamed, he surely wanted to kill me, I dropped to the ground my eyes giving up on helping me see. He grabbed me again by the back of my neck yanking me to my feet. Before I could make a move, he slammed me against his wide masculine chest. God, he must be very masculine and strong!

I had not expected it, he wrapped his tough hand against my neck squeezing hard. Seriously? He is going to choke me to death? No way in hell! It was so painful, I was running short of breath, I chocked gasping for air. My throat hurt like crazy, but I was not giving in, no way. Using the small portion of my brain that was functioning, I locked my limp legs around the tree in front of me and pushed backwards forcefully. He stumbled landing on his back and I on him, he grunted in pain and utter annoyance.

Nice one Becky, at least you gave him a good hit! I rolled to myside and reached the knife. Before I made a move, he flipped me over and he was on top of me. His face so close to mine and his rough hands wrapped mercilessly around my paining neck. He was squeezing air out of me, I chocked, my eyes popping out. I studied his gaze on my face, I was sure he hadn't seen the knife in my hands.

Now that his face was so close to mine, I was able to study his face properly. He was surely a good looking murderer. His eyes were dazzling green, full red lips and such a tough jawline and curly hairs flowing to his shoulders. His eyes were so dangerous and deadly, but could he be deadly as I was? Was he not surprised why I was not struggling? Because I was about to drill clean steel into his so called masculine body. With that, I tightened the grip around the knife and plunged it hard into his lower abdomen. He hauled like an animal, letting go off my neck. I began to tremble seeing his agony, but he didn't make any attempt to get off me. When his gaze returned to my face, it was cold, angry and venomous. This was a bad idea Becky!

As if I weighed nothing he grabbed my aching neck and thrust me harder against a tree, more roughly than before. I was surely going to die this time, what was I even thinking fighting against such a rough man? I landed to the ground bruising my right arm in the process. In a scary speed he was standing beside me, my heart leapt to my mouth as he came down to me on one knee. He studied my pathetic face angrily, disgust written all over his face. Tears streamed from my eye as I stared at him begging for mercy mentally. He didn't move but his fist tightened, before I thought of anything his fist came down to my face hitting me hard as if a brick had been dropped on my face.

I began seeing shadows, then white, and finally a black veil of darkness embraced me.

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