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Chapter 7  ANASTASIA

Word Count: 1693    |    Released on: 08/04/2024

st forty five minutes, driving to God knows where. He focused on the road ahead while I was seated in the passenger seat, bouncing to the beat of "Beauty and a Beat '

a cli, a breathtaking view of the valley spreading out below us. A helicopter was waiting on the cli edge, its blades whirring softly in the gentle breeze. "Arthur?" I called out, a little uncertain as I peeked at the helicopter. Arthur turned o the ignition and pulled out his keys, shoving them into his pocket. He looked at me, "Come on, that's our ride." I blinked my eyes repeatedly. "Our ride?!" I repeated, nearing screaming. "Where did you get a helicopter from?" "uhh.. I'm the son of a king?" he replied like I was stupid. "And I'm the daughter of a pauper," I deadpanned. "Of course I know that, you imbecile!" "Ouch Anna,"he chuckled, getting out of the car and walking away. He turned around a few seconds later. "You coming?" I muttered a few words before climbing out of the car and stood , staring at Arthur. "What?" He questioned when I didn't move. "Twisted ankle?" I reminded him. He sighed and made his way towards me to help me walk. As we made our way through the dense woods, the biting cold breeze nipped at my exposed skin, causing me to shiver. Pulling Arthur's jacket tighter around my body, I held onto Arthur. "Can you believe how freezing it is?!" I exclaimed. My brother chuckled, "yeah. Some red head took my jacket." He looked at me with an accusatory yet playful look. "You don't have to be such a baby about it ," I replied, rubbing my hands together for warmth. "Thank you," I murmured. Arthur smiled triumphantly and we continued walking till we got to the helicopter. I let out a relieved sigh. "At least the chopper's warm." Arthur laughed, giving me a playful shove. "You'll be warm soon enough. Just hang in there a little longer." A man approached us from the helicopter with a rag in his hands. As he and Arthur exchanged greetings, I looked at him, puzzled. He looked familiar, like I had just seen him but couldn't remember where. He turned to me, "evening, princess," he greeted with a smile, his dark brown hair falling over his handsome features. "Don't even think about it, Marcus," Arthur growled while Marcus just chuckled then it clicked. "You're the guard who let me escape!" "Well... technically, I'm not a guard. How are you though? I returned immediately to help you but unfortunately, I was too late. You had already fallen over to the other side." My cheeks turned a light shade of pink from embarrassment. Has everyone on this planet watched my epic fall? I giggled nervously and looked at Arthur for help. Arthur seemed to be enjoying my embarrassment. "Don't look at me, I thought you were having a lovely time flirting." A brighter shade of pink now spread across my cheeks, "I was not flirting!" The two men laughed at my embarrassment while I felt like jumping o the cli. When their laughter died, Marcus spoke again. "Anyway, allow me to formally introduce myself. I'm Marcus Sanders and I'll be your pilot for the evening. My cousin, Louisa, will take a look at you

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