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The Last Brawl

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1023    |    Released on: 27/03/2024

slept for a few hours

er me. No matter what his reasons are, I'm happy

air conditioner can be heard around, the silen

ed my bedroom door. His expression was blan

alright?" He asked a

no emotion. Does he really not like

? Aren't you afraid of the sun?

hed. He mischievously look

tween Nolanth and me. I d

. Do you want to eat? Come on,

bed when Dylan stopped me. He

Just stay here, I'll just call a nurse to bring som

you? Just call my name Faith if you need me. I

ith a frown. I rais

send Nolanth

to come with hi

t angry right away." I said with a s

n his arms. I buried the back of my h

d to me still hurts. Why, even i

make me jeal

you jealou

be jealous?" H

ime, didn't I?

ing to go with him. I'll also invi

iss. It took a few minutes before Dylan pulled away. Shit, I

de, you'll stay right here. Do you understa

going to call you because Prime already knows y

His face expression was sti

was still holding my waist as

y anything about our relationship. He is the on

ur friends here are complete, t

de me. He brought my seat closer

ore? He now shows motive when we are already done. I don't

ace?" I heard Prime ask

gether. There are still bets on the table. Oh,

arted." Dylan scolded them s

would look decent but she’s silly. She coul

gh!" Prime scolds Rovery a

r. I did some research earlier and now I know wha

, just wait." She said a

s head on my shoulder. I avoided it so he looked

Dylan." I

just put his arms around me again

e a problem, notice?" I hear

re was a fight?

y attention to other when we

I wasn't in the mood. Also, what they are talking about is true. It

s carrying the Sacred Powers book th

that?" Ge

s the ancient powers that no one had before, b

t Primesaid. I felt excitement a

happening. You got two from the ancient p

herited the illusion of time from Asmodei's illusion, s

that mean

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