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The Last Brawl

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1073    |    Released on: 27/03/2024


even surprised because they didn't expect there to be creatures like us. I can'

Dylan and I broke up. There was absolutely no trace of sadness

ill thinks of me as a child? If he wants an old w

he might just be confused. Hopefully Dylan is just confused. I can't lose him. Because th

rtal Academy, Alexa Adams will be training with me today because she is th

ed to the arena where we were supposed to be training. They have

We are all wearing this Immortal Academy PE uniform. I f

eady?" Ale

se I don't have much power and another thing, she's very

." I said so w

ey siblings? They are beautiful creatures. I recognised

h! You c


Rovery che

olid mambaba!" Alexa's

. Could Dylan and I be the same now if we hadn

It was black in color while her eyes turned gold, co

I wish I could hit her at least once, it's a shame. Why

shouted so Alex

She immediately managed to punch me

surroundings!" A

I tried to hit her with my e

o fly away. She immediately chased

e a soul?" Alexa asked in sho

he face. I immediately threw an energy ba

" I wh

by the neck again. She took me up so I coul

han her. I can do it, I know. S

. I gestured again and to my great

ch her but she dodged so quickly that al

I screame

ked for Alexa. I can rea

had vampire blood in my body. That

er by the neck. I released energy fro

n she got a burn on her neck. I a


omething wanted to escape from my palms so I put it on the

e out of my hand. At the same t

much!" I screamed a

appeared, I lay down on the floor. Before

He shouted before

f the light hitting my bod

ked but the white

demy, here in the Upper World

now. Does he still love me? Is he here? He was the one who came t

you?" h

little weak." I said smi

like a voltage came out of his han

ou do?" I ask

h. You're too lethargic.

rights and one more thing, he doesn't want me. W

where are th

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