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Fighting For Us.

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1306    |    Released on: 25/03/2024

erson. His pair of green eyes are narrow, thin and red lips, very wh

What's your n

one in my ear. That's why his word is


y her mother. You're so lucky to escape, you don't know what the five of us went through. I can use you when the

r of blood on my hoodie, it looked like he hit me with a wound and I couldn'

bag that was next to him but he immediately snatc

ve my things back!

laws of different countries. There's also a photo of us all! Where have you been hiding fo

all and even lifted it up. Maybe what he will do to me

don't want to there are others like us who are running and losing their freedom and will die and be experimented on. I want to be free, like you who obviously ran away. I also intend to talk to

ng if he is telling the truth. I will

o it on my own. I don't need anyone's help

t to punch him in the face when he caught my fist. He immediately picked me up while I hugged

the cave. He took my flashlight

Maybe I can use your brain too. I haven't discovered your full ch

a special abilit

t about you? I thought w

y? Because our immune system, healing speed, reflexes, and senses are beyond

r special abili

ked down by a normal person or any

he does, I will really fight and not give up. Also, I don't want to have

oice but to travel together for a s

ies of Mamplasma and Calampama to study the animals and plants for th

ll go to the villages to get a ride to make the journey faster.

eated what I said,"

up," h

it. Fortunately, he brought the scooter that I left b

walking around. I don't know wher

where we were going. It still walks ve

we going?"

town faster. I've walked a long way and I was still carryin

ball bat. I can't forgi

u look like a criminal in your or

person. Or supernatural, whatever we call it. How could he grow up in the care of the government and Project Melo's officials? When he s

The Ones. Equinox is a big loss. But can I? Did they find me? Mom

of breath and tired while Equinox had no intention of r

or a moment,"

ily. What kind of body do you have?" he said sarcastically.

iver. I ran and immediately sat down on the grass.

d and open it when Equinox t

use up the ration. You don't know how to survive, you'll

his one? I might not be able to hold b

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