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Fighting For Us.

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1144    |    Released on: 25/03/2024

ack diamond pendant. I hope you

t my tears came to my eyes. Her gift was also very beautiful, the necklace

od up and hugged Dad tightl

nly family I have left. After you do what you have to do, please come back. I will introduce to the whole world who my beautiful

e he's too worried. Aunt Hiromi also won't come because she says I won't be kicked out. The only

to us and Dad hugged us. Maybe if Mom is still

e trip. I don't even know where to start. What I need first is to observe. According to the study of scientists, Melos Sy

were already laid out on the table. It us

out again?"

ken it yet. Is it Remembrance? Then one more thing

e. They used their cell phone because I might lose

llowed. Next was me, Dad, and Aunt Hiromi. In the end, it was two

t so Morgan taught me to post. It's a good thing that modeling

ited the barrier. I don't see how I can get out later. I can only

before boarding the truck. Aunt Hiromi was emotional while

or a moment. They opened a box for me to hid

so you can even not open the door. It will also be loaded with money later to be taken as payment to the crops in the households outside

my bag and scooter. I was breathing deeply because o

place. When I felt that it was moving, I was just silent.

pped moving. My breathing became

rrier and Morgan knocked on me. He

villages we're going to are half a day away. Be careful, Jess

l miss them. I promise I will not waste all your help. I wi

sse. Do you still?" Julian sai

e are in the opening of the jungle.

ey both hugged me. It's quite dark,

se. Take care

were going to fall, I ran away. I was going so fast, that I could only hear the

and drank water. But I stopped when I heard someone s

Maybe it's just an ani

test it for what is in the water in every country I pass through. I intend

ves. I never thought I would be this

nning so my eyes widened. I was about to look bac

ound. When I looked up, my eyes

u a

the head with a baseball bat. My vision immediately

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