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Chapter 4 SPRAY IN ME

Word Count: 929    |    Released on: 13/03/2024

and I nearly cried,

uch force my body twisted and turned. It was s

and my husband began eating my cum. He was impatient and unkind about it. His tongue was l

pussy before something hard

d wide open,

, in between my legs. I shuffled back, sh

ulling me back to him but I screa

pped m

turned, my belly on the bed with my ass to him. I quickly shuffled awa

k around and push

u!” I sc

is hand pressed my belly down. I trembled hard, fighting him as best as I could. His cock

went still, staring right at hi

rled with the cry drag

s thick cock, him buried de

ut how could I when he was fat in me? I fe

onvulsing as the orgasm hit hard. I twisted left and rig

d didn’t

itting the bed over and over


ve agreed. I was a filthy whore, dirty shame

d and that’s when

is shaft back then slammed hard in me again. I

my feet pushing back and forth. His other hand went to m

e pleasure sent

of such things but I never knew the husband I nev

ster. I was drunk at th

ck only to grip it again. The orgasm rode f


to burn in h

ring them on his chest as he

ke in air. My eyes closed. He held me down

ain dissolved as my body

od.” I g

s pounding as waves of orgasm

yes!” I s

toos spread all through his chest and abs. I ran my hands through them, fe

e back ten times bigger than the last. I cou

ing me down with his cock going dee

ut. You li

nd I found myself s



like a moan and th

le body


h him. My hands clung onto hi

t even better. We jerked together. Strong arms held m

That moment where it seems like he would do anything to just spill in me. My

my chest as I clung onto the li

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