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Chapter 3 FORCED

Word Count: 1700    |    Released on: 13/03/2024

hapter contains non-con

y minutes back, just the driver and I. God knows where the other cars had gone. I was raw, s

ve and fancy prison I wou

ded it, a tall wire keep

he door as the car drove to the garage. A smaller house stood just a

. I did not know where my husband was

ushed down and t

leave his ho


the start of

ed, my voice

ized I was on my own and the driver never came into the house. I walked

ks, greys, and whites. Everything seemed overly perfect, perfectly squared. Seeing th

’t punished him. A sigh pulled out as I thought of th

mfortable a life as I could get with him. Did he have rank? I was no

would travel a lot, was surely abusive,

ith all my heart. As of then I had to buckle my heart with belts. I had to sh

found all my toiletries. They had taken

wer, preparing myself

come back for the next month. Maybe he

ear the sound again so I put down my lotion and walked back to the b

me. My husband walked in and the man was drenched in blood. It clung to every pore of

blood r


my fa


eft on my tongue a

was walking on earth, staring right at m

ed back

ined for the bathroom but not before sneering, “

d drained out of me. I thought of running but the fear kept me bolted. He seemed angry. He seemed lethal. He would tear me apart. The cry was push

covers quivered with me. The tears threatene

futile. He would have hi

leave me alone so I pulled the covers up as if they would protect me.

e of his body came to mind. He wa

se Go

the door from the bathroom

er that and the fear w

e? What was

cover was instantly rippe

was angry. I was dressed when

tching whatever shee

but I bit my ton

give in but not like this. I

nd, and I found myself s

, just water dropp

did I

gerously o

do something

chuckled and told him to fuck off b

nt row show to my body. The sound on its own should have sent me crying but it had an entirely different effect. My eyes ran to h

he ran his han

et I was finding it

part as I closed my eyes

ce I bent to his will I would los

I pressed them on his c

d at him then b

deep, and deadly. I pus

, feeling his erect dic

as h


r, his touch turning so ro

pussy with his mouth coming to my breast. The moment his tongue swiped o

sure blood was drawn. My feet pu

ushed harder, moving my

e him. It seemed t

on my clit, pulling ev

before he quickly dipped his f

d as he thrust his

gone to dwel

arm stood, keeping them apart. He thrust in de


in his mouth and I withered. He su

it was harder to keep the fight. I gripped his side as he sli

ing for air as I thr

moving to bite my ea

ttle s

in me, searching until he found my G-spot. As soo

wide f

an out forcefully. My eyes found

led around my neck




pussy again, pumping in

eep his stare and I


n speak, just


sed on my G-spot and I gasped out, my chest pushing out with a tremble r

stop it but

hest to hold me down as I thrashed so hard. The liquid poured out

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