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The value of a praying mother


Word Count: 1049    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

summer, for small steamboats to gather up the fruit from the farms along the lake and to carry it to the nearest port for large steamers. It was interesting to see the piles of berry crates loade

ose to the haven to which they were going. Bessie wished very much to go. She soon obtained her father's consent, but went to her mother

de on the water when I know you are in good company. I also love to have you attend places of interest to you, when I know there's nothing to defile your mind or lead you from the path of purity. But, Daughter, there are many things in the world that look beautiful to the eye but tend to lead the soul astray. Do you think Jesus would

range about the matter, "please tell me

better for you to do as I've said," ans

nity of vanities, saith the preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity." Hurriedly she turned the pages, thinking that she might perhaps have opened to that passage anyway. Next she read, "I said in mine he

every known pleasure under the sun. But when he had tried them all, he sat down and wrote the words you have just read, and also said, 'All

n; now please give me a sign and help me to know whether I should stay at home or not. If you don't want me to go, make it rain." Though si

tiny cloud was in the sky, and that seemed to be floating toward the sun. As she watched the cloud, she saw it gradually increase in size, and at last down came

its answer. Her childish words and simple faith touched her father's proud heart, but all he said was,

as not sad, but happy. She kept thinking how kind the dear Lord had been to answer her prayer so wond

set, and by the late hour of their return it had become a gale. But not realizing the fierceness of the storm, they started home. When they reached their own harbor, they found that they could not ente

ence, she appreciated more than ever the Lo

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