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The value of a praying mother


Word Count: 837    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

me skipping into the room from her play. "Your papa and I have decided

ho was still in her eighth year. "S

miling. "Your auntie's health is very poor, and she is tir

pleasant home in the country. She had not forgotten the good times she had enjoyed on the farm with her little sister, and she was very eager for the month of August to come, the time

e had noticed some large red apples hanging; but just then her aunt said, "Bessie, you must not pick any of the fruit on the place this summer, as

r her mother had carefully taught her the great evil of stealing. "But oh!" thought Bessie, "if only one of the apples would fall upon the groun

d apples lying in the soft sand. With a fast-beating heart, she hastened to pick them all up; and, placing them carefu

you don't understand what you've done: those apples are as truly stolen as if you had picked them from the tree. You must take them to Mrs. S. and explain that you didn't know you were stealing them. Taking little things and trying to ease the c

off her ear. Amid the exclamations of horror that followed, the young man said: 'You think what I have done is cruel. Let me tell you that, had my aunt done her duty by me, I should not be here today. Had she taken the pains to inquire where I obtained the lead pencils, kni

is-though it does appear a trifle-to pass by unnoticed. You may

Bessie returned the apples to their righ

ed to cover up its sins without realizing their sinfulness. Likewise, many other evil habits that have wrecked lives

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