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Regretful CEO - My ex-husband wants me back!

Regretful CEO - My ex-husband wants me back!


Chapter 1 I never loved her

Word Count: 1541    |    Released on: 14/02/2024


ce?” His tone of voice was cruel, as was the light in h

I fought back. How could

I thought my heart was going to explode with so much sadness. It was as if

created, I ended up accepting this stupid marriage!” He took a step towards me, his eyes, which had

d I felt my legs getting weak. To keep from

condescending voice disgusted me. I looked up and could see the look of fake sadness on her

which he never showed me. Then he turned to me. The contempt was almost palpable. “Pack your bags. My lawyer w

e documents he needed and asked her to wait for him. As

re, but I didn't know she was with Lucca at the time. She was always extremely nasty and fake. I preferred

t give her any more ammunition. Alice immediately threw herself to the ground whe

to her?” He gave

t's normal for her to be

e: he raised his hand at me, as if he was actually going to hit me! But Alice held his arm and whispered so

rned around and Alice glanced over her sh

rs, I had never had a child. However, I was so shaken by my father's death that I completely forgot to go back to the gynecol

floor, but I was picked up by Ana, the lady who

eyes and I knew she was genuine. Ana welcomed me very well from the

t up to my room. She didn't say anything els

tionship, as they were long-time friends. When Lucca's girlfriend went abroad, he was devastated and

Lucca, I had only seen him a few times and I always thought he was really handsome! — when we got married. Well, to be more precise, after our wedd

membering that and how he humiliated me for that woman…

pent all this time begging for his love and for what? So that he would get rid of me at the first opportunity! Very well…

soon as we finished closing my last suitcase

computer science and be able to

addition to the humiliating words... no, I was disappointed! Not only with him, but with myself for letting myse

. What he did is done. I don't

, but she smiled hugely, like a proud mother. Th

, madam?” She asked m

Ana, I really want a hug fro

regnancy. I didn't want her to know and ended up letting Lucca know. Not that I thought he

y had their place under the sun. I knew that my father's company had fallen, and that's why

from the airpo

ered affectionately on the other

going home, mom! Alr

know you and Luc

lways spoke very highly of him. And I never made any complaints either, after all

at, Vi

hed d

me, mom. I... I'll explain e

anding and I was very grateful for that. “I'm

t want me talking to people or talking about our marriage. In fact, people barely knew me, as

New York to Boston it didn't take long, less than two hours. It all

very small. I opened my eyes slightly, in order to see what was happening, since the

ery blue eyes and a super

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