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Regretful CEO - My ex-husband wants me back!

Chapter 3 There is something I have to tell you

Word Count: 1221    |    Released on: 14/02/2024



asked, trying to control the lum

hung up on me and when I tried to call back, she didn't ans

ke I never loved another woman, she was perfect in every aspect! Even her most fragile way was beautiful. Alic

t. She went abroad, to Europe, and left me. I spent two months feeling like the wor

om her. I hated that my family talked about her like that, but I respected my grandf

amily, didn't know how to manage a house, couldn't be in charge of our company. I studi

telligent and very affectionate girl. She's discr

o loud. But I knew Alice! She was indeed a free spirit, however, she was the swee


't deny it, she was beautiful! Her hair was a slightly reddish brown, her eyes were amber, her features were perfect. She looked like a doll, but no

marriage. That woman seemed acceptable, not only in ap

record straight. I got married out of obligation, not out of pleasure! Furthermore, although my grandfather wanted a gran

specially when she had just


d technologies, we had a huge commercial network. Then my phone rang and when

. She never screamed, never complained. She tried to please me in every way. Sure, I missed more life in her, but I couldn't compla

to my house and I didn't want her to see Victoria. I didn't tell the media much about my wife, so they didn't know

, I... Actually, I don't know how to explain it very well. I was happy, very hap

another world. But when I looked at her at that moment, I could see that she was blushing more, she was pret


o do when she saw me. A mix of passion and shyness. S

o me. It was Alice, for crying out loud! I ran to her and hugged her. The hea

Come, le

car Victoria used to drive, so she was probably no

. Her smell was different. Well, after three yea

you leave?” I

ed scared of something, but I stroked her cheek, and

couldn't stay away any longer!” She said and I saw reso

ather? Th

this bett

difficulty and I reali

ed her down with pats on her back, and kisses on her cheek. “He said

as a businessman, he was a man who had what he wanted, but threatening Alic

and wiped her tear

will fight for our love. I’m so sorry, Lucca!” I

s something I h

s it, m

a deep

t mar

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