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Regretful CEO - My ex-husband wants me back!

Chapter 8 Open the door

Word Count: 1188    |    Released on: 20/02/2024


ne?” Victória screamed so loudly th

re. She would never talk t

e of cloth. She was still in bed, of cou

. "Who was disturbing you to t

ht about saying that she did


my opinion completely changed. However, seeing him at one or another financial event wasn't

ntrol myself as much as possible. That m

e. The bastard came to Boston, Henry! Lucca is good at

ave contact with Vicky, not a

okay? But... He's the baby's father. As

her lo

hat I should abort the child. For me, it’s reason

s shak

ou. But I also think about the child, in a few years and... If I were the father

asshole, Henry,” she

ess, people say and do many things th

ictoria was an exceptional woman, but when she would get ang

I drop by your

r. And, you know, if I don’t answe

led a


up the

thing… That showed that she trusted me. And I was so grateful for that, be

ut of the spotlight. He seemed ashamed of her, for God knows why. But it was on a day when I

she was Mrs. Mancini. However, when she mentioned ‘her husba

nvious of Lucca, I won't deny it. In addition to being beau

. My plane was delayed and I didn't want to wait for a first class flight. I w

rtment. I rang the doorbell and nothing. I waited a little longer, u

otted plant and went in, running to

my G


, so when he bursted through the room’s do

oom in my bathrobe and was just opening


losed his eyes a

you didn't answer... I... I thought s

t let me put some

e!” He left quickly

d a loose blouse. I didn't want anything squeezing me. Not that I could hid

he couch and when h

day!” He said and looked at my

ou are always

. He rarely touched me without asking beforehand. But I


was going to…He was going to kiss

but... I really want to kiss you,” his face wa

” I reminded him an

Vicky, I really,

g the distance between

d when he wanted sex. Lucca’s kiss was different, urgent, just

He held my face tighter, putting his fingers in my hair and getting

he wanted to enter with his tongue. I

le body shudder. The doorbell rang loudly and we both st

get it,”

. I reached out and picked up the device, putt

I heard it both on the other end of the

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