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My Lawfully Wedded Groom

My Lawfully Wedded Groom

Author: Unique4325

Chapter 1 The groomy bride.

Word Count: 1316    |    Released on: 02/02/2024

bolt and ruin everything. Isabella had always been a strong-willed woman, but today she felt like some sort of property that her father couldn't afford to lose. She looked aroun

no regard for love or happiness. She couldn't help but feel like a pawn in a bigger game, a tool to be used to further the business interests of he

azed upon her husband, she couldn't help but notice his striking appearance. His chiseled jawline was particularly alluring, casting sharp shadows across his face. However, despite his obvious

nd monotone "I do". His response was devoid of any excitement or emotion, which seemed to suggest that he was uninterested in the marriage altogether. Isabella stood frozen in her spot, her heart sinking with each passin

nt, hoping that the priest wouldn't say those words. She felt embarrassed and wondered if her new husband would actua

nt. She had dreamed of a lovely marriage with a man she loved, but instead, she was stuck with a man who found her disgusting and was unwilling

own that she couldn't do such a thing. She had to be strong and face this new chapter in her life, even if it meant sacrificing her ha

eted them. It was clear that they were only there to network and make connections, not to genuinely celebrate the marriage of the couple. Isa

nd would try to sleep with her that night, but then she dismissed the idea, thinking he probably wouldn't even try. He couldn't even bring himself to kiss her during the wedding ceremony. So,

plush velvet couches, ornate tables, and gilded chandeliers that hung from the ceiling. Isabella couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as she took in the opulence of her new surroundings. The sight before her was nothing short of awe-inspiring. She knew her husband was wealthy, but this level of opulence was something else entirely. The servants, dressed to the nines in matching blue and white and crisp white shoes, only added to the grandeur of it all. As she stood there watching her husband call one of the servants to show he

ing the room, and she turned immediately to meet the intense gaze of her husband, she watched as he took in her appearance and his pupils dilated, she noticed his eyes burn with intense desire. With a look of longing on his face, he a

t, she knew it was bound to happe

ried and it is right for us to

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s firmly to keep herself from giving in, a

huckles and

o the end of the bed and lay down, her mind racing with thoughts of her new married life. She couldn't help but wonder w

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