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A Billion Desires

Chapter 7 Seven

Word Count: 1553    |    Released on: 24/01/2024

touches dominate the luxurious interiors and reflect soft, romantic yellow lights. It was as if he could be seen in a mirror on the shiny marble floor. The high

leather-covered sofas. Decorative plants were placed in several corners, round tables co

le carrying the guests' trays. Don't forget that there is also a man playing the saxophone

ly, am

a glimmer of desire to experience what it is like to be a person bathed in wealth. But when that dream came true, An

ple, flashed through her mind. Completely the opposite, she thought. She looked down at her clothing style, wearing only a white crop top

d Jake, interrupting the girl's thoughts whe

fantastic prices. It's not surprising either because this place does

; just give me your recommendations," said Jake

y, S

to Anna, who was st

ause she didn't want to be judged as

order two,"

ression, which was that she deliberately hid behind those big, sweet-looking eyes. She deliberately avoided

?" Jake asked. "You

. "I never thought that I would end up stranded here." Sh

ncy clothes to enter a pla

pearance, Jake," Anna replied, folding her arms on the

ake, considering that not everything humans wear shows their true nature. Some

ght not know that An

ust happened to see Nonna's grandmother faint, and... how coul

ut strangely, the man's laughter sti

ething funny? Anna thoug

nna, which means grandmother. Italian, Anna," exp

g. "No wonder your faces aren't truly local

t's been five years. Only Indonesian and Balinese

e?" Anna asked, just finding out that the

look like local women," Ja

and met a Sydney man who, until now, I never knew who he was or wher

and. "Just relax. Besides, it's been a long time since we lived happil

eed a blessing, not a disaster, although

rently, Jake," said Anna. "The important thing

work at IHC. Where do you wo

se, followed by a beautiful dessert in brownies drenched in chocolate and decorated with chocolate in the shape of red roses. The Lagom brand red

poured a bottle of white wine into a tall glass and said, "They don't kn

on Instagram are your back, Jake," blurted out Anna, then stunned b

t the steak and asked Anna to finish the food quickly. "I read some peo

n, the sound cris

y because she couldn't filter out what she should or s

r, not many Indonesians can provide first aid like Anna. Jake had memorized the habits of residents when there was a critical s

ft and delicious on her tongue. The taste of black pepper was dominant, followed by the savory butter and garlic, to the point w

hose of you who like adventure," replied

ay. Meet lots of new people," said Anna enthusiastically. "Sydney impressed m

bering the first time she set foot in Sydney as a medical worker, not a

ing for work experience for two years, and the registered nurse exam to get an internationally recognized license even thou

t to move to another country with my mother. Live together peacefully without any chat

iful place there. The weather, the countryside, vin

ined Anna. "Sorry, but that's the truth, Jake. I di

fended. "Let's just say Barbara's kindness to you hasn't been fu

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