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A Billion Desires

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1446    |    Released on: 24/01/2024

doctor treating his grandmother had not come out of the operating room. He was terrified that something would happen that would threaten Barbara's life.

ped a bottle of cold cola and ate a chocolate bar. It was a strange habit for Jake to find a woman like Anna. He wondered to himself, wa

d gi

help. He knew how to give a heart massage, but the speculation of a heart attack never really crossed his mind. So

titute for strenuous exercise. Was this all because Barbara was overthinking about the problems in

from behind, approaching a middle-aged female doct

stronger until it caused excruciating pain. His hands were shaking, really worried that Barbara's illness would affect the older woman'

his is the first indication, and other symptoms could arise, so we need further examination to determine the damage's extent," explai

Jake asked, still dissatisfi

I think your grandmother will gradually improve as long as she can rest and not overthin

s before he finally nodded. "There are problems, and she is

er sometimes feel lonely and need someone to talk to," said the doctor. "Oka

tor away. "Ah, Nonna... she must be thinking

Anna raised

e? she

out his right hand. "I haven

a, feeling that the man in fro

irl's name. "I'm Jake Batara Lucia

led, confused about what to call the man who

shape look like the char

joked Jake, trying to lighten the m

a nurse, a

m work," said Anna. "A job

" said Jake, pulling the c

only was he fluent, but his accent immediately changed 360 degrees from a Western accent to a thick Balinese accent. Besides that, Jake's

he was no longer interested in a top-level, sexy man like Jake. It is genuinely pra

here? I'm worried the nurse or doctor is looking

"Yes. Besides, my motorbike is still in Lagom, okay

voice of Noah - one of Barbara's bodyguards - called him. The


orehead. There was something strange about Jake's broad back, broad shoulders, a

his hands. Anna's gaze fell again to the curve of her waist and stopped at Jake's firm and round but

oks like Shano

erately followed under Shanon's coercion. Anna aligned her device and Jake's body from a distance because she knew how the curl

Jake had his hair straightened again like JL001 in one of the photos

ot back shot, and curls that I'd love to run m

or sexy ass. His butt, Anna, you can see

ves in

e, yes, he com

f Faith's seductive ass. He turned his head, hoping his surprise wouldn't cause any noise. Indeed, Anna's legs suddenl

ed around, slipped his cell phone,e and approached Anna.

wrong wi

n. Anna's eyeballs felt like they would roll out and hide behind a potted pla

ding of her chest to l

alled a once-in-a

time? Who can avoid the beautiful view where a well-defined, well-sculpted jaw frames Jake's appearance, accompanied by thin, sensual lips and a


his v

re the b

n her head, causing a deep frown on Jake's forehead.

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