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My Never Ending Love

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1510    |    Released on: 23/01/2024

e yet. I clenched my fists as I thought

te." Jazlene said goodbye at the

f coming in and whistling more,

sked in front and sat next to Ja

pa." The Supreme

re. That will only cause troub

le. He looked at all

erald City, we need to get him back before the blood moon. We found out that his target is Haruka's son

what he said. If so, our

versity will lead and 50 students per University will be taken for the army. The Xin Army will also help us but we

ng. It would take many mor

h a paper in his hand. Looks like

Ron Nishimura, Cali Nishimura, Gwen Barlowe, Aezzel Keller, Shuji Tanaka and Nolan Milandro, you

lude Jazlene because it was too d

to the list?" Yosef asked hi

ze with Jazlene? What

en. It's too dangerous

mperor and looked at Jelal. He was holding Jazlene's arm

upreme Emperor finally said and sat down.

r academies will be trained at the Guo Palace. My grandson and Ms. Ch

eally nothing I can do.

Palace." I heard the Supreme Emperor's of

for that man? She is n

th me." Yosef said calmly to h

t take Jazlene with him!

ou're leaving alone." I told Yosef emp

self. I will go to Guo Palace." Jazlene said sadly

g me!?" I screamed and some officers looked at our commotion. I let go

problem?" Dad ask

andfather and grandmother that sur

her you can follow her one day." The Supreme Empress said c


o Jazlene and


!" Killian shouted

crying. Damn, don't tor

to go." I explained to Killi

heart because our

h that Jelal?" Killian asked me. I he

because when you go there, you will know everything." I exp

" Killian shouted when I got awa

ry, one day they will follow." The Supreme Empress calm

. I can hear our friends weaning him. I couldn't

at Killian for the last time


like a Disney princess in a movie. If I had known that we were rich, I wish I wo

randchildren." Grandma told

st years?" Brother Yosefasked each grandfath

in the cleanliness of this place is shameful. It is

ndma and I are very happy now because my grandchildren are here.

thought I had no relatives and was an orphan

quiet? Are you feeling bad?" Gra

about something." I answere

funny and he loves you very much." Grandma sai

entire race against him if he hurts my grandson.

of someone protecting you. Even if it's

dded. They're still together and wearing the s

at the mansion. They're all robots. They can do anything you co

y advanced here. The Midd

said and sat down with his legs

nal butler will also take you around later. Your grandma and I are

luggage. They are fun to watch and

ss." A robot maid s

se and try if we get scolded." Brother Yose

ngerous if I take it to the mall, we

break your head." I b

llian, you're replacing your older brother with a good-loo

edroom when we're going for a tour." I said goodbye to Bro

ess. Do you want to take a shower?" Thi

hank you, just get ready." I ordered him

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