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My Never Ending Love

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1505    |    Released on: 23/01/2024

800 was because I wanted adventure, I boarded a ship,

aybe my brother would drink more. It's delicious, tha

." Brother Yosefwhined s

so I went around there. I worked in an aren

Brother Yosef Told me he was

anged myself. I thought I had died but when I woke up again, I couldn't breathe. My body healed until the s

are you killing yourself? Wha

stening? I j

life. I've studied different courses. I've been a teacher, engineer, doctor, pilot, I eve

!" He also brags about me. I al

en that you're stronger than me, du

at's your job?" He asked and orde

rt. My secretary is the one who runs it now, I am almost always out of work and missing. I just ente

ork has caught up with me. How did you

'm hurt, I remember the kiss between him

opped me. Then, he threw some glitters on me. When I woke up we were already

I stopped talking. Blueber

n I was arrested. When I woke up, I sneezed for three

ell me, tell me about yourself." I told

er than Starbucks' b

elal. How has he been in recent yea

g. I thought then I could escape because Aunt Hanako was imprisoned in Emerald City but there were many guards. When I discovered my ability I trained inside the cell, then I escaped.

can't imagine how much my back hurts. Why are our siblings so u

I asked my brothe

ww'. You think you don

the Great Blood War happened,

s 7 years. It's obvious tha

ar started in 1685?" I asked him

pened in 1690. Of course, there was a chase and they were caught,

didn't understand Killian'

that Alanna. Hey, at least for an hour can I forget what happened

I shouldn't lose hope, that Alanna is not an obstacle for me and

. How long have you known

month." I a

ered right away? What about Jazlene

since birth. I think he i

me, he still cheated on me." I told my brot

and left and still cheated on you, how can that person be t

happen, but no one loves that doesn't get hurt, r

I think he's been locked up in what

ove and you're courting a girl, y

ke you?" Big brot

Are we really brothers? I think

d, shit!" I sneered

to our castle. I'm too lazy to walk." I said

me." He said and I

d in no time we were op

's really

is he with t



g in the lobby. I can hear

uh? Do you want to be kicked out!?" B

k their heads and ran

you." I scolded my bro

our colleagues, but he i

I said and o

n entered Brother Jelal's lodge easily. Also, he is a

Brother looked down at my

you don't want to go out

fter I found it, I immedia

Let's read it." I called h

get some

ll members from the previous mission to the University Office thank you very much." What

" Brother Yosefsaid and we both went out. Fi


g summoned?" Dem

m just going to talk to Jazlene." I

uted before I entered the Unive

immortals. The Triangle is all the Emperors and Empresses of all empires.

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