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Sudgated by the mafia

Chapter 4 Matteo

Word Count: 1369    |    Released on: 13/01/2024


dish best s

it to the airport itself. However, I didn't count on the Casamonica Mafia takin

it meant achieving the goal of making my enemie

ante was no

of the Alberti women had become my best weapon, one that

to speak directly with you," s

nd see that my slave is bro


ainment center that the Casamonica mafia, the one that controlle

who had never set foot in

" said one of R

om where the Casamonica was headed. A middle-aged man with gray

as surprised to see you here tonight, but not as s

first time for e

e laughing. “You know the rules; no returns. Normally we train the girls, but today they were eager f

dn't say anything that would make this crafty old

lave girl of my own for a while, so as not to let the traditio

with interest

y family had been raised. A tradition that was never lost and one that I was expected t

te to use the subje

hing else from me, don'

understood very w

you, that's

we patted each other on the shoulder, then I headed t

ime a man had been too cle

on. When she saw me, she nodded her head in a clear submissive greeting, and I smiled at her. I

she admitted with a smile. "She's

n my personal slave," I told her, and she was surp

d to one side but


of innocence. I had seen the girl earlier at the airport, but dressed so devastatingly like that i

ed her face in a matter of a second: confusion, surprise, and anger. It was


ke a frightened fawn, she was not intimidat

rom today on, you

breaking her to mold her to my whim. It was so funny I couldn't help but laugh to confuse her, and withou

looked straight into her gr

e alone, whether y

ll away but moaned in a way that was clea

ng to be yours

seen before in women who had been drugged with an experimental drug tha

from shock, and I


began foaming at the mouth, and my guards arrived,

or the GBYA drug!”

ll, so she moved, and the whole thing was so upsetting that even Romano came to see what was

eo; I don't know

eyes at Roma

to stimulate her, and

you the r

it, which made Aurora and the doctor take action. She then returned to her

d not drink or eat anything; let him sleep and rest. I

nd Aurora looked at me with some pity and, at the sa

say something, bu

k what happened, and the culpr

the girl in my arms and took her to

ou want to

jet to go directly to Nap

worst enemy's fiancée in my arms. She was the key to dest

t hesitation, so I pulled

n motion," I said

he lush skin who was to inherit the biggest mafia em

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