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Sudgated by the mafia

Chapter 3 Rose

Word Count: 1571    |    Released on: 13/01/2024


e you tak


r echoed loud

ne, but the fact that this guard was dragging me upstairs

time i

ou to shut

ry hotel, leading me to a room that could certainly be

ng ladies; if you do anything, I'

in. They started talking in Italian while cleaning everything, ignoring me compl

off a spectacular figure and had a silver ne

rra man bought?” she asked

answered one

pay so much money for a woman," she said as if I wasn't there

cleaning girls with a giggle. “He usually brings foreign escorts who have already been trained in the art of

n smiled

he mumbled curiously. “It's atypical of him to do something like this; he's not known for buying women because he doesn't need to when any w

t of me, but it wasn't hard for me to understand

her than her beauty? Beautiful women,

ruck a deep ch

ght me could do it because he felt like it. And that

ave just cleaned up; go to the bathr

athroom to deposit everything I had retained in my stomach. It

ke you like this?” asked the

e I didn't have th

n't k

in good shape; if he sees you destroyed like this, he will be in a

last straw fo

ste of bile on my tongue. When I finished rinsing my mouth, it was difficult for

t you on

at me down, and then han

will help wit

it made me think of the hours I had been disconnected from everything. Th

I clenched my fists. “You sound like an American, but your

not inte

t close my eyes. “It's unusual for a pretty girl like you to be a virgin at your age, if not strange for you to travel alone. But that's not what

; I hadn't even been give

who bought you: do whatever he asks of you no matter what. From now on, your will is his will, and if

n't own

d with am

f the Camorra will be very amused, but if you want to keep you

this woman was saying

Why should I have to bend my dignity? Why

is to beg him to take you to paradise itself," he answered with a smile that repulsed me. “It is a piece of advice I

e room and left me al

the minutes passed withou

e substance, they had given me, but my body began to heat up to the p

htmare possessing

tered the room. I only became aware of this one when I

nt, I stoppe

e other than the man from the airport, the one I had bump

t this time he wasn't shading his character; in fact, he looked a thous

and I held it back when he walked up to me and leaned a l


couldn't help but stand up a little so as not to be intimidated. However, that man, who was no


rom today on, you

all the hatred I ever thought I could have felt in my life. That was so funny to him that he couldn't help but laugh, an

alone, whether yo

continuing to pull my hair, but touching him felt like fire on my skin,

ng to be yours

I felt my body start to go numb to the point that I couldn't breathe properly. H

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