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She Saved Me

Chapter 2 II

Word Count: 816    |    Released on: 02/01/2024


asium with lots of seats. At the front is the speaker who will spe

duced our other boss and head from here in Avalon. In Solara, I used t

ry. I hope we can finish Project Melos successfully. I expect you all to work hard an

Dra. Ye, a chinese-american. The Race or Race of peopl

ow important information about it. I must contribute well because I will not waste thi

ry and we will give you, each one, documents regarding this project to further expand your kno

nnie who was wearing Dra. That's

lack of body parts has become normal among newborn babies. Thenumber of babies who are stillborn is also increasing. There is also an absence not only of limbs but also of internal organs like the case of Yuta Aramaki wh

came from. Almost all animals have been studied but it is not a type of virus. In people also can't see the source. Does this disease seem to be a big issue

need to achieve not only in the field of medicine but also in

nt Melos Syndrome, even prevent it. Because we all know where babies are. With our technology Melos

pe that doesn't seem to have been formed. When the video was played a doctor punctured the sac. There the water disa

because of the water sac that thebabies already had inside the mother's stomach. These are the limbs that are hindered from developing into a water sac. Nothing also a study that proved why and what that water sac really is. It was only then that it was discovered because of Feng Yun who was born that the

eally a big revelation. MelosSy

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