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The Littlest Rebel

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 2809    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

nts and then, from the other side of the hedge, came a half dozen tr

e before. We'll get the liquor and silver while the Colonel is stealing the horses, eh?" Then his eyes fell on Uncle Billy and he greeted him with a yell of recogniti

r you is. Ef you come up dem steps I'll split yo' ugly haid! I know you, Jim Dudley," he cried.

on, the Sergeant rushed up the steps and knocked the ax aside with his gun barrel. "Yes, he did whip me, bur

er head held high, her beautiful dark eyes

brooked no disobedience even from a d

he man shrank back for a moment, but

ary, eh! I'm glad to see you

oman paid them. With only a gesture of mingled contempt and loathing she stepped t

or only Dud

lose to hers and ordered her curtly. "And I'd just as soon

p the man caught her by the arm and roughly tried to pull her to him. But bef

opers appeared. One look at the scene on the veranda and Lieuten

eport to Lieutenant Harris-at once-under arrest! Corporal! Take his gun." He paused a moment as a brother of the man now under arrest stepped forward with a sullen face and obeyed orders. Running his glance over the line of faces, n

feet away, no longer timid but in entire possession of her faculties

at, "I couldn't apologize for this, no matter how

eavy lidded eyes and gave him her

in soft tones. "I was merely unfamili

ated, astounded,

"My home is over-run; my servant

" was the stern reply, "to

ore the war he was our overseer. He was cruel to the negroes and my

control each individual in the service-especially at such a time. Yet I assur

the veranda and when she had successfully brought him to the foot

t would seem a social one

ightly. This prett

aging duty. It is not a pleasant task-but our army is in need of hors

e?" came the

irtue of necessity. In return I can only offer, as I would to every other woman of the South, all courte

pt him a curtsey fille

an." She made a short gesture which took in house, plantation and all the Cary posse

make my undertaking a difficult one, although I must admit, I hardly blame you." A

she an

icers-or refuge


our word for t

and her eyes flashed. "I do," she

rned to dismiss his men. Then a thought str

rother or a father-was concealed in t

d not amaze him. "I would try to pro

ome. Corporal! Make a search of the house for hidden arms or stragglers and report to me. If any rebels are found-bring t

been standing by in silence. "William! conduct these soldiers through my house-a

th an opera bouffe salute. "Ev'r

till have doubts of my honorable intentions

re she sat on the bench demurely sewing. It occurred to him t

said, while his eyes probed hers, "but, curiously

the non-com

"And you can insure our leaving you more quickly if y

id not rais

must trouble you to look for them. Otherwise there

erly," he commanded, "report to Lieutenant Harris at the stables and have him h

started perceptibly. When he turned back to the woman

ecently been fed and watered in y

uid evasions. "We have several neighbors, C

eded. "But do you usua

ttle hospitality is ours ext

examine this quick witted woman would be forever useless.

rs. Cary rose haughtily. "I only want you to

down again. "And was that the reason w

e's a Rebel scout who has been giving us trouble-a handsome fellow ri

detect anything in her face

remarked with a touch of weariness.

es it lead to

way you are traveling-a

Wouldn't the right fork lead to Richmond-and t

competent authority," she answered with


e his vexation. This was an easy game for her to play-and every moment she gained added

d Morrison as his L

what little hay and corn there was in th

out the best shots you have among your men and send them at the gallop down this road to the river crossing. Strin

ed, efficient Northerner, who was now discovering how he had been delayed and thwarted. Yet she had plenty of spirit

oral?" aske

iam?" asked

ncle Billy grinned. "Dey ain't t

superbly back to her seat under the trees. But as she went it took all her strength of will to keep from crying. Down th

Corporal, yo

d from cellar to roof.

used. "Anyt

ooms, sir.

That's all. I'll join you in a moment." Then he

tation with only this old negro. We are wasting time. I'm

y her game again. "But our Rebel scouts usuall

one went at all.

ld imag

this way-to the

s and thought he would read the trut

flee from her eyes-saw heart and soul take on new life. From far away across

, in wonder.

is a friend of mine saluting me-from the safe side of the river. Good

loping. Up the road came a trooper, whit

thudded across the lawn and dismounted. "From headquarters," and he

man's hand Morrison ran his ey

n. Sound boots-and-saddles. Then bring my horse-at onc

up the river and a wing of the Rebel army is advancing from Petersburg. Ever

sounded, "Ride with us," he said, and strode ove

ell-and a last apology. If ever we meet again,

y the 'rebel scout' may thank you also for me and mine." And with a smile that augured f

proud woman was of his own race, then saw that the o

mistress and take care of her. I'll be the last t

d Uncle Billy, coming down. "If a

e house, his mouth open in consternation. With

e shrieked. "Aw, Gawd a'migh

flame. There was the sound of clumsy boots on the stairs and the door was thrown

son, with raging an

a big revolver barked behind him and he pitched heavily forward on his face. M

mised her-

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