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The Littlest Rebel

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 2819    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

came a man in the uniform of an officer in the

m one look and th


cross the little space of lawn with his whole soul in his eyes. With his dear wife caught in

stood for a long moment, husband and wife united after months of separation, aft

at the earliest opportunity with her beard in her han

Cary, and put out his hand.

in hers. "We were playing 'Blue Beard,' D

sure of cutting you into ribbons." Herbert Cary's shining saber flashed ha

a while. You run up to Miss Hallie's room and sit by the window where y

" cried his w

y Ann. If you see anyone at all report

in an effort to make his mast

me brush you off, seh

he cloud of fine white dust that rose under Uncle Billy's vigorous hands. "You're c

ds together at her breast

Must you g

back at her with ey

my way to Richmond. How many h

wife sank down disconsolate on a bench. "Belle a

ut of the stable. Lead them down to the swamp and hide them in the cedars. Then saddle Lightf

was instant. "Yes, seh. Right away, seh," and he took Cary'

er husband with a great

on't mean to say that the Yan

ide her with his arm around her, whil

ter all. Only-there are several foraging parties-small ones, a few miles down the river. I've

cried the small daughter, and she doubled

them,-nor you either, God bless you," and his lips rested for a moment on his wife's soft cheek. "Only, you are

t, "but you, dear, you! Why are you h

ll that wife and child and home meant to him when he volunteered recently for a certain hazardous duty. He knew, too, how quickly his dear wife would know the full e

e been on it for th

hand went

darling, why? It's so da

a forced smile, to chec

n it. It's like playing hid

t off so lightly and she put

is tone. His v

And I'm doing work-good work. I've already given one battle to General Lee and now I have informatio

se unsteadil

e lines! Oh, Herbe

of forces and their lines of attack. Yesterday I had the wires at Drury's Bluff and started trouble. I'm on my way now to join my command, but I had a g

," asked Mrs. G

e had escaped it, "a st

nterrupted, "while you

on. Sally Ann was rushing down the ste

Cary! Somebody co

ng up and running towards the gate that

na?ve truthfulness. "Ol' Dr. Simmon

ry of relief and laughter. "Oh, Sally! Sally!

aid Sally plaintively, "h

t. "That's right," he laughed. "You're a good se

ore him. "Come into the house and

y, I can't," he said, his eyes grown sad again. "Just fix me u

with a broken sigh. "I'll do the best I can, but oh! how

ce. "It soon will be over, s

"You mean-Oh, Herbert! Isn't there

ill unconquered spirit of the South. "There is always hope-as long as we have a

Virgie's shining head. "Have you been taking good care of

n Jemima an' me have been lookin' after eve

," cried her fa

hat 'cause one day when I was feedin' him wi

"If we could only get rid of all their generals as easy as that w

gers has runned away-all 'cept Uncle Billy and

e did! The y

in the Yankees,"

ang up to pace to and fro.

I was a soldier with a big, sharp sword like yours-'caus

od feeding and watering his master's horse. In this bitterest of moments, when his own family had to be

rm on his wife's soft shoulder. "Is it tr

boy meant to leave us sooner or late

s the answer. "But

a Union camp on

told me this. But still-" Cary's voice faded away under the weight of a sudden despair. What was the use of fighti

ed, Herbert?" his wife murmur

h a groan. "They're gradually clos

. Cary whispered, har

ly. "We can fight against thousands-and against tens of

All the spirit, the indomitable courage of a moment ago had fled before the revelation that, try as they might, they could never conque

weight of a musket on their shoulders: and boys-mere children-who are sacrificed under the blood-stained wheels. The best! The

, as if to ward off some dark shape which hovered over hi

you've fought a losing fight it has been a glorious one-and God will not forget the Stars and

he man l

ves-our mothers-who wage a silent battle in the lonely, broken homes. You give us love and pity-tenderness and tears-a flag of pride that turns defeat

Once more Sally Ann rushed from the house but this

Cary! Dey's comin'

d, springing for the

ds-an' Lawd Gawd, de year

ou can down to the edge of the woods. Don't worry, Ha

a last hug, burying his worn face in her curls. "Go

ife caught his hand. "Her

ver-to the Che

kees came th

pen hand. "Listen for three shots. If they come in quick succession-then I've crossed-I'm safe. If I only had a few men I'd stay, b

mother and daughter stood as if turned to stone. Only Virgie, after a moment, waved her hand and sent

with her own eyes, began to wring her hands and cry hys

came unmistakably to her ears, "take Virgie with you instantly and run down thr

hen with terror, seeme

ie," she whimpered. "I wan'

the certainty of the girl's helplessness before a quest

n Susan Jemima lying neglected on the bench and she gave a faint scream at her heartlessness. "Goodness gracious, Moth

gruff commands already in her ears, Mrs.

e Yankees ask for my husb

"I dunno you eben got one. But you go in de h

"The longer we can detain them the better for

such action was farthest from his thoughts. "I

Hurrying down the steps he plunged his arm under the porch and drew forth-a rusty ax. With his

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