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Babysitting Mr Powers' Daughter

Chapter 4 Snacks

Word Count: 2757    |    Released on: 10/11/2023


amantha’s voice r

lace that recently causes my heart to ache each time I set my sight on its grandnes

eated to Samantha who had initially called to apolo

re choking her. ‘Grace, you are one hell of a hotcake in t

ife for now. I need a huge break

f you want, you can decide not to

d doing nothing. You know too well that I hate being idle. I want a distraction a

job, are you going to take

derstand her way of viewing the issue. Why can’t she be more like David? He didn’t questi

to my life in a way that I can’t help but admire. If it were

you say. So who are

They didn’t e

m roll her eyes. ‘Wha

ee how that work

one, as though trying to say- I am

arantees that you don’t spend all night drun

ront of a huge, black gate. After ensuring that my automatic payment was successful, I appreciated the middle-aged

moved forward to look through the gate bars of the house I was about to enter. My line of sigh

ided to lodge at a hotel. It is obvious they are

y eyes at

questioned my presence. Once I told him what I was there for, he didn’t hesitate to open the pedestria


t made chills wrap my soul so much that my eyes widen

lindly followed the guard who said some

ace are y

s off the almost-glassed skyscraper which simply yet a

to question my hushed excitement. With my right hand cupping the air ar

.. Shu

uld. But I a

was itching to jump out of my cords. And thank goodness I was able

l Pierre is one of the most ex

mewhere just anyone can go. It is the kind of hotel that c

ver be able to afford to step into th

d me out of my thoughts. ‘This can only mean that t

said the job

might even make more t

y ex-boss’s voice. As I listened, I saw that the guard was leading me past the main

extra watchful of the path we were taking

nd we have to gist about ev

and ended

of route. “We have to enter from the back doors since you are not here as a

ded and appreciate

create images of the exquisiteness I expect to see inside. I wouldn’t be

e revolving doors and faced an elevator moments later. The fanciness in that space met my expectations and as we waited for the t

ened without wa

he guard ushered me i

he doors were closed, he p


n that we were head


a penthouse in the great Hotel Pierre can only mean that t

d us into an open room that had a da

rs opened as well and its not-so-many occupants stepped out

that they were businessmen. But their crazy concentration on their phones was a thing o

cluster dissolved as they shifted from the entrance of the elevator.

r maybe the business weekly magazine. So, with my intent of the day briefly forgotten, I scanned each per

e to stop my dignity from running away from me. And if at all it runs away,

ds that were inaudible to most of us in that space, I felt my breath cease for a second. Watching his lips move with grace almost

lity to peer into a person’s soul to the point of figuring out everything abo

as he spoke made his eyes much more beautiful. His almost square face retai

I have thirsted this muc

it almost impossible to look away. Even his black suit was not left out

cut short. After another glance at the handsome man, I hoped that I had no

ran my fingers over the sides of my mouth to make sure

all was fine, I faced the

“Sorry, I had t

ve a call? Whoa... I was very

ction and I walked behind him. “Good day, Mr. Po

his gaze in our direction, my breath hitched a

ledge the guard’s greeting, he spared me a micr

hat I didn’t have a crazy, starved l

y when the guard stopped in front of the en

right. It will lead you to the interview room. Just


from where I stood was simple yet exotic. And the fact that I was able to see a great deal of the city

great deal to me. As I maintained my cool, I noticed the setup of five white couches which were arranged

left so much so that a grand piano was placed very close to

that, there was a

I quickly walked down the corridor on the right. I admired the mini-artworks hung on the walls as I walked and soo

ting to be interviewed. We were not much that was lef

staring at the beauty of the kitchen in awe. Conversing with

their seemingly unused storage room made a great interview room. It


silver-ish hair in an admirable way. The woman sat opposite

ter in such a crude manner. I would have guessed that they would have employ

me a short smile. “Have

one it before.” Not

” I nodded affirmatively. “Is t

a publishing company

ice job. Why are

ut this family is rich and can choose to look into the kind of person I am. So, I

endly voice tu

ed. “Actually, it is my fault I got fired. I chose to distract

affect this job?” She wasn’t judging

n I am looking for. It is much more d

yourself to some of the snacks on the island. Good luck.” She smiled widely and I

nterviews coul

opped it into the box planted right in front of the storage room. As I did that, I began


om a super-rich family’s kitchen. So, I did a li

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1 Chapter 1 Thanos's Fingers2 Chapter 2 Fired.3 Chapter 3 Cloud Reading4 Chapter 4 Snacks5 Chapter 5 Marvel Gang6 Chapter 6 Dom, Dom what now 7 Chapter 7 Leave8 Chapter 8 Take it upstairs9 Chapter 9 A freak10 Chapter 10 The Sexy Gown11 Chapter 11 His touch12 Chapter 12 Moaning Mess13 Chapter 13 Moaning Mess (2)14 Chapter 14 Let's make more15 Chapter 15 Let's make more (2)16 Chapter 16 Playing Games17 Chapter 17 Playing Games (2)18 Chapter 18 Until I make you mine19 Chapter 19 Building Pleasure 20 Chapter 20 Building Pleasure (2)21 Chapter 21 Say my name, Grace22 Chapter 22 Say my name, Grace (2)23 Chapter 23 Making you mine 24 Chapter 24 Making you mine (2)25 Chapter 25 You are different26 Chapter 26 Flames of Desire27 Chapter 27 Kyle28 Chapter 28 Kyle (2)29 Chapter 29 Chocolates and sweet words30 Chapter 30 Chocolates and sweet words (2)31 Chapter 31 A forming pool32 Chapter 32 A forming pool (2)33 Chapter 33 Hello, you.34 Chapter 34 Hello, you. (2)35 Chapter 35 His Warm Arms36 Chapter 36 You are special37 Chapter 37 Getting to Know Mr. Powers.38 Chapter 38 Getting to Know Mr. Powers. (2)39 Chapter 39 Cumming 40 Chapter 40 Plans and Promises41 Chapter 41 A Walk With Those That Love Her42 Chapter 42 Drama Queen43 Chapter 43 Drama Queen (2)44 Chapter 44 His annoying persuasion45 Chapter 45 Blaming Herself46 Chapter 46 Choices47 Chapter 47 Staying Calm48 Chapter 48 Staying Calm (2)49 Chapter 49 Crazy Lady50 Chapter 50 Fear and Love51 Chapter 51 Fear and Love (2)52 Chapter 52 To the End or Forever53 Chapter 53 To the End or Forever (2)54 Chapter 54 Growth, Propositions, New life55 Chapter 55 Family, Christmas, and David's Call56 Chapter 56 That Heavenly Feeling57 Chapter 57 Our Little Family58 Chapter 58 Samantha Or… not Samantha 59 Chapter 59 Goodbyes and Night Music60 Chapter 60 Tears and Wedding Joy61 Chapter 61 That Woman62 Chapter 62 In Love Forever