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Babysitting Mr Powers' Daughter

Chapter 2 Fired.

Word Count: 1490    |    Released on: 10/11/2023


cut that led to my workplace. With the way I drove,

happen. It would have been tedious t

ived at my

rabbed my bag and ran in

while I hoped within me that my friend was able

y office but I was breathing so ha

e of my desk, I leaned against the wall

the voice of my partner, Sa

to achieve normal breathing, I manag

ed in front of me, and the bottle of wate

st that Sam couldn’t hel

left me and I finally became normal. I then motio

lenient with you this time around. H

was already threatenin

, very distant as I dejectedly we

ally around. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surp

t the one stable thing in

in my throat, I came back t

ew years have been rough for you. But the lifestyle you chose to deal with your pain is destroying you.

ed by the firm voice of my boss who merc

have given in to my weak knees and fallen. But her su

here the fuck

s is madly

headed to the boss’s, jammin

it was said, his hands

s office. When I made it to his office, I took a moment to catch my brea


arranged at one side, and a laptop in the centre. Two picture frames and

eyes to connect with mine and I just knew that I was screwed. His face d

when he got up and pushe

ked towards me. A few seconds later, he stopped and stared

in my sight on the white tiles. Then I began to dread the s

he uncomfortable silence but he

“Look at

self to stand strong. I was starting to feel a slight h

time you came late to work, you said it wouldn’t happen again. You have used that stateme

had a board meeting today where I was meant to submit the work I assign

ind his desk. He stared out of the window and said, “I am sorry Miss Sands but we can’t condone such an attitude.

s, it was almost as though

at I had been keeping in, my

on of whether I would be fine, I just nodded and wal

e a bag of rice. I heard Samantha approach me and when she made it to m

into the room and the pain

f-chocolate scent teased my senses as

ry. I cried about my

go, I began to wail, so much that I began to get cooing voic

sorry,” she said, the tone

ght, and asked, “Why are you sorry? I... I brough

der and my crying t

my tears refus

equent jerking of my body, I

of tears off and t

she did not believe me, she rel

and dropped it on my desk. Grabbing my phone too, I got up and faced

ntha. But, I should be on my way to ful

l help you pack up. So go home and rest.” I nodded and made t

and appreciated the war

op living a reckless nightlife. Please

ed that my tears wouldn’t co

to communicate that she wa

d reminded me that she would

y recently changed life while feeling like the zombie I feared that

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1 Chapter 1 Thanos's Fingers2 Chapter 2 Fired.3 Chapter 3 Cloud Reading4 Chapter 4 Snacks5 Chapter 5 Marvel Gang6 Chapter 6 Dom, Dom what now 7 Chapter 7 Leave8 Chapter 8 Take it upstairs9 Chapter 9 A freak10 Chapter 10 The Sexy Gown11 Chapter 11 His touch12 Chapter 12 Moaning Mess13 Chapter 13 Moaning Mess (2)14 Chapter 14 Let's make more15 Chapter 15 Let's make more (2)16 Chapter 16 Playing Games17 Chapter 17 Playing Games (2)18 Chapter 18 Until I make you mine19 Chapter 19 Building Pleasure 20 Chapter 20 Building Pleasure (2)21 Chapter 21 Say my name, Grace22 Chapter 22 Say my name, Grace (2)23 Chapter 23 Making you mine 24 Chapter 24 Making you mine (2)25 Chapter 25 You are different26 Chapter 26 Flames of Desire27 Chapter 27 Kyle28 Chapter 28 Kyle (2)29 Chapter 29 Chocolates and sweet words30 Chapter 30 Chocolates and sweet words (2)31 Chapter 31 A forming pool32 Chapter 32 A forming pool (2)33 Chapter 33 Hello, you.34 Chapter 34 Hello, you. (2)35 Chapter 35 His Warm Arms36 Chapter 36 You are special37 Chapter 37 Getting to Know Mr. Powers.38 Chapter 38 Getting to Know Mr. Powers. (2)39 Chapter 39 Cumming 40 Chapter 40 Plans and Promises41 Chapter 41 A Walk With Those That Love Her42 Chapter 42 Drama Queen43 Chapter 43 Drama Queen (2)44 Chapter 44 His annoying persuasion45 Chapter 45 Blaming Herself46 Chapter 46 Choices47 Chapter 47 Staying Calm48 Chapter 48 Staying Calm (2)49 Chapter 49 Crazy Lady50 Chapter 50 Fear and Love51 Chapter 51 Fear and Love (2)52 Chapter 52 To the End or Forever53 Chapter 53 To the End or Forever (2)54 Chapter 54 Growth, Propositions, New life55 Chapter 55 Family, Christmas, and David's Call56 Chapter 56 That Heavenly Feeling57 Chapter 57 Our Little Family58 Chapter 58 Samantha Or… not Samantha 59 Chapter 59 Goodbyes and Night Music60 Chapter 60 Tears and Wedding Joy61 Chapter 61 That Woman62 Chapter 62 In Love Forever