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Alexander chase: a dead man's revenge

Chapter 4 FOUR...

Word Count: 2428    |    Released on: 20/10/2023

had spent with Alex. The man was always busy with work and never smiled, now he was like his personal assistant telling him everything he wanted to know. He felt like he was going crazy. "Are you s

working for Alex the longest. Murmurs of "good morning sir" could be heard from all around the room and Alex had to nod to them before entering his office. That single gesture made all his employees wonder if he was okay. The Alex they knew always had a stoic face on and never replied to any of their greetings. "I have brought your coffee sir" Bruno, for that was his assistant's name announced while placing the mug on the table just opposite his boss. "I don't take coffee" Alex wanted to scream but gently gestured for him to pick up the cup. "What is your name?" Bruno was surprised, he had worked with Alex for a good couple of years and he didn't know his name? Really? "Bruno," he answered. "Bruno, until I tell you otherwise don't bring coffee into this office again" "Yes sir" Bruno replied, "I will keep it in mind" "What is my schedule like?" "Mr Gerald called to have an appointment with you and it is slated for 11:30 am" At the mention of Gregroy, Alex balled his hand into a fist. He was wishing that it wasn't Gerald, he didn't know how he was going to react when he saw him. "Clear all my schedule until then, I don't want to be disturbed" "Yes sir" Bruno bowed and sauntered out of the office, his boss was definitely not in a good mood. After the door closed behind him, Alex stood up and walked over to the window. The building had sixteen floors and he was on the sixteenth one, everything looked exquisite but Alexander was not concerned about that one, he just wanted to meet Gerald. He didn't know for how long he had been standing there but the moment he heard a soft knock on the door he turned his attention to it and as the door opened his eyes opened wide and he clenched his jaw together. This was the man who killed his family and him ten years ago on a Christmas Eve. This was the man who stole everything they had and he had the guts to even smile? Alex had the inkling to push him against the wall and give him the beating of his life, he wanted to do so many bad things to him. "Hello Alex" Gerald's voice filtered into his ears and Alex gulped. He could see Gerald was living fine after snatching life away from his family, was he even a more rich man now? What the hell? "Good morning Mr Gerald" on impulse Alex extended his hand for a shake, "it is nice to meet you" Gerald gave a loud laugh as he took Alex's hand, "You talk like we haven't met in a long while" "Of course we haven't" the big guy replied and studied him for a while. Ten years ago, Gerald was nothing but his father's business associate. He wasn't even as rich and he had the most innocent looking face on earth. Who would have imagined that the man sitting in front of him now would be able to put a bullet through the heads of four people in one night and throw the body of the fifth person into the sea? That was ruthlessness on another level. "I am so sorry about what happened to you yesterday" Gerald began to talk after he had settled himself on one of the extravagant sofas in the office, "I hope you remember everything now?" Alexander's lips curved into a smile, "Of course I remember everything, I remember you the most" Another laugh escaped Gerald's lips as he leaned forward, "if you are trying to be hilarious, I can say you are learning fast" The man in front of him arched his brows while peering deep into Gerald's eyes, how he wanted to bash his head against his glass table. His door opened again and this time Bruno entered with a tray containing tea. "I have brought the tea sir" he gently placed it on the table before placing their individual cups in front of them, "enjoy" he added. "Bruno always makes the best tea," Gerald explained and sipped his tea. Alexander's eyes were on him the whole time. This man even had the nerve to drink tea in his office? "You may leave, Bruno" he gestured toward him and the man nodded before sauntering out of the room, "What do I owe this visit ,Gerald?" Alex didn't know what he used to call this man before but not in his life was he going to address him with respect. This man was a murderer and should b

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