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Alexander chase: a dead man's revenge

Chapter 3 GERALD...

Word Count: 1519    |    Released on: 20/10/2023

her angry face he immediately dropped his tea. His family was one thing he never played with, he loved his daughter a

n occurrence?" "When your parents died" Aiden shrugged, "yes, your brain did that as a kind of defense mechanism against the trauma" "When did my parents die?" "When you were fifteen Alex, they died in a plane crash" "When I was fifteen?" The words rolled out of his mouth. That means his parents died when they were both the same age but why was he suddenly in his body now? Suddenly Alex sprang up from his bed and picked up his car keys. "Where are you going?" "To find answers" he answered and sauntered out of the room. There was only one way he could find out what happened. Esmeralda was surprised to see him rush downstairs all dressed up and he had his car keys with him. Jayden knew he didn't know how to drive but maybe this Alex guy could. "I just need to clear my air" he answered and walked out of the house. His mouth opened in awe when he saw how many cats were gracing this man's garage. More than fifteen cars and they all looked new. "You are a lover of cars" Aiden's voice sounded behind him, "these are your new collections" "Hmm" he nodded and walked towards the low profile white Bentley, "are you coming?" "Sure, I am your doctor by the way" And just like Jayden thought, Alex was a good driver. The city looked different from what he knew ten years ago, it was more sophisticated and everything looked more efficient. "A lot has changed" The man beside him smiled, "where are we going by the way?" "Wait and see" After a while, the car came to a halt in a familiar neighborhood and there it was. His fathers three story building stood tall and mighty as usual. "You wanted to come here?"Aiden looked over at the house while asking, "why?" Alex didn't say anything and walked over to the gate of the house. Everything was still the same and even the gate. This was the house where he grew up in, the house in which his family was murdered. The house in which Gerald cut ties with them by killing everyone that mattered most to him. "Who lives in this house now?" He turned to Aiden as he asked. "This house was sold at an auction eight years ago, Gerald was the one who sold it" At the mention of Gerald, Alex's countenance changed. Not only did he kill his family, he had the right to even sell the house? The audacity of him. "Who did he sell it to and why?" Now Aiden was also very curious, why was Alex suddenly interested in the baxter? They all died ten long years ago and he was trying to find out information about them now? "Apparently Baxter willed all his property to his best friend so Gerald did what he wanted to do with the property. He opened a char

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