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Chapter 7 EPISODE 7.

Word Count: 921    |    Released on: 22/09/2023

flecting to himself, John wasn't surprised by the charged atmosphere. He understood that when exposed, women often struggled to maintain composure. Susan Grey had been laid bare; her fraud

ther when there was no audience to witness it? Upon reaching the lodge, John turned to Susan, offering her two hours until dinner, assuming she would wish to rest. She seemed momentarily detached as if struggling to concentrate on his words. Examining her closely, he noticed the toll the challenging trek had taken on her. She looked stricken and exhausted, the physical demands of their journey manifesting in the paleness of her skin and the shadows under her eyes. Concerned, he urged her to shower and rest, surprised by his own display of solicitude. Susan seemed apologetic for "inconveniencing" him with another night's stay. He wished she would show the fiery determination he had seen during their walk in the forest. Susan remained an enigma-a mix of contradictions, humor, seriousness, innocence, and an unconscious, intense sensuality. She didn't overtly flirt, yet her every movement seemed to exude a captivating allure. Despite the vibrant display of birds overhead, Susan appeared lost in her thoughts, almost as if she were in a state of shock. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on both of them. John surprised himself by inviting Susan to dinner, a decision that left them both astonished. He grappled with the complexities of the situation-wondering why he was drawn to spend another evening with her instead of walking away, relieved that the situation had been resolved. He knew the forest kiss held a deeper significance than a mere encounter between consenting adults. It lingered between them like an invisible force, pulling them closer. Susan seemed aware of it too, backing away nervously and suggesting dining in her room while requesting the use of a phone. He insi

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