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Chapter 5 EPISODE 5.

Word Count: 1032    |    Released on: 22/09/2023

f easily. Not after the damage she had caused and the lives she had disrupted with her actions. 'Something that was yours,' he repeated, tasting the words, testing them. 'But a

was raised in England after my parents divorced, but I came back to Brazil to build my business empire.' Susan listened intently, recognizing this as a rare moment of openness from a man who usually guarded his personal life with fierce determination. 'That must have been quite a journey,' she remarked. 'Indeed,' he replied, a flicker of something in his eyes, a mixture of memories, perhaps. 'Life has its twists and turns, unexpected paths. But it all led me to where I am now.' 'And where is that?' she asked, genuinely interested. 'A man who values success, Miss Grey. A man who doesn't back down from a challenge. A man who won't tolerate deceit and irresponsibility, especially in business.' She swallowed, absorbing his words. 'I understand.' 'Do you? Good.' He stood again. 'Now, I believe it's time we both retire for the night. Tomorrow, we have a busy day ahead.' Despite the challenging circumstances and the uncertainty that loomed over her business, Susan couldn't deny the spark of excitement that kindled within her. Tomorrow, she would visit the coffee farm and have an opportunity to make her case. She was determined to prove to John that she was worth the chance, worth the investment and that her business could flourish once again. The rainforest was alive with the symphony of nature, the lush greens surrounding them a testament to the raw, untouched beauty of the jungle. As they walked, John set a brisk pace, seemingly unaffected by the humid air and the challenging terrain. Susan, on the other hand, found herself struggling to keep up, sweat beading on her forehead and her clothes sticking uncomfortably to her skin. It became evident that John's intention was to test her both physically and mentally. He would suddenly diverge from the path, leading her through thick underbrush and muddy tracks,

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