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The Alpha's Little Witch

Chapter 5 Luna's visit

Word Count: 1031    |    Released on: 21/09/2023

enjoying yo

n left, I had been too nervous to sit or stay still. I know he had promised that he wasn't going to get caught but no one seemed to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Just exactly like my case. If I ha


t Lu


used. What was I sup

ou have


sing looks in her eyes. What h

n there, you w

ntil I noticed her opening t

ave a spare key. Just as I can have anything

enacing and unlocking the cell? I hope she wasn't going to whip me again or give me the usual slaps

Amyra. You c

elf a littl

you ho

to ask me

let my curiosity get the better part of me. This Luna was scaring me


owards me. I was moving back, my

ct you

give her many of it. Thankfully, she hadn't asked of Luthan or maybe she


oddess for help. I prayed for her to sa

sk what that


is it,

, then you'll be punis

hat I couldn't hold myself and landed flat on my back. New pain rose and caused my eyes to water. The floor of the cell was rou

, ple

d. Tears rollin

e b

t was evil and

, I beg

red towards me. I don't even know what I'd done to warrant such treatment fr


mous. But what had I done? How could she hate me for no just cause? My fathe

I done to

ding to the blinding pain on my back, I had s

ing me qu

ded, eager to please he

p, you

s bleeding in many places. But I couldn't not respond to her command. I

ou gree

her presence already. Every little thing I did or did no


d was aching. Either that o

ou kn

would do next. The scream that left my lips in the following moments was loud enough to pull down the cell I was in. I cried in pure agony. The Luna had used her artif

wish you were never born. And with the Alpha by my side, i

ked cackle and her footsteps walking away. My tears kept falli


to stand. I just kept crying from my position

I feel li

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1 Chapter 1 In trouble with the Luna2 Chapter 2 Meeting Luthan3 Chapter 3 Knowing Luthan4 Chapter 4 Stung in the cell5 Chapter 5 Luna's visit6 Chapter 6 What's on my back 7 Chapter 7 A growing friendship8 Chapter 8 Frustrated9 Chapter 9 He likes me10 Chapter 10 Intense pain11 Chapter 11 The Luna's claws12 Chapter 12 Getting wooed13 Chapter 13 Unfathomable sign14 Chapter 14 Punished again15 Chapter 15 More tears16 Chapter 16 Gadilofs17 Chapter 17 Extended cell stay18 Chapter 18 Voices and forces19 Chapter 19 Eerie, dark veiny lines20 Chapter 20 Spell-bound21 Chapter 21 Lies22 Chapter 22 Apology23 Chapter 23 Getting Luthan to talk24 Chapter 24 Planning an escape25 Chapter 25 A witch is dead, trouble for the pack26 Chapter 26 Escaping with Luthan27 Chapter 27 Almost caught28 Chapter 28 Locating home29 Chapter 29 Home at last30 Chapter 30 Almost drowned31 Chapter 31 A concerned Luthan32 Chapter 32 A nose bleed, again.33 Chapter 33 Time with my parents34 Chapter 34 Fury and war35 Chapter 35 Meeting Heline36 Chapter 36 Cuddled up37 Chapter 37 A tough choice38 Chapter 38 Sober discussion39 Chapter 39 Telling my parents40 Chapter 40 Truth and convictions41 Chapter 41 Convincing my parents42 Chapter 42 Worried43 Chapter 43 Rogue wolves44 Chapter 44 The next day45 Chapter 45 Journey back46 Chapter 46 Dead parents47 Chapter 47 Coming to48 Chapter 48 Deaths and pains49 Chapter 49 What's on my parents' neck 50 Chapter 50 Gray weather51 Chapter 51 Vengeance52 Chapter 52 Rains and Plans53 Chapter 53 An encounter with a Gadilof54 Chapter 54 Thereafter...55 Chapter 55 A little truth56 Chapter 56 The strange old woman57 Chapter 57 She has powers58 Chapter 58 Gadilof's realm59 Chapter 59 Another plan60 Chapter 60 Time for truth61 Chapter 61 The past is told62 Chapter 62 Unfolding truth63 Chapter 63 She's a witch64 Chapter 64 Possessed by two goddesses65 Chapter 65 Luthan's awake66 Chapter 66 What happened to Luthan 67 Chapter 67 A witch68 Chapter 68 She's gone69 Chapter 69 The dream70 Chapter 70 The Luna and her Omega71 Chapter 71 The journey with Luthan72 Chapter 72 Swarm of bees73 Chapter 73 Saving Luthan74 Chapter 74 The Alpha's worry75 Chapter 75 Luthan's life76 Chapter 76 He's alive77 Chapter 77 Alive but weak78 Chapter 78 Where is Luthan 79 Chapter 79 Swearing vengeance80 Chapter 80 Almost home81 Chapter 81 Home At Last82 Chapter 82 Blood on the toilet seat83 Chapter 83 Journey with the Alpha84 Chapter 84 Not today, Luna85 Chapter 85 I want to see the Alpha86 Chapter 86 Before the Alpha87 Chapter 87 Standing up to the Alpha88 Chapter 88 The Alpha doesn't believe89 Chapter 89 Showing courage90 Chapter 90 A warning for the Beta91 Chapter 91 Kidnapped92 Chapter 92 The Alpha doubts still93 Chapter 93 The Alpha wants to confirm94 Chapter 94 The Luna and Omega works together95 Chapter 95 On the road to unknown96 Chapter 96 A brawl with the Luna97 Chapter 97 The Luna's anger98 Chapter 98 She is missing99 Chapter 99 Luthan, her savior100 Chapter 100 Back home with Luthan