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The Alpha's Little Witch

The Alpha's Little Witch



"I hate you." I froze. The way she's uttered those three words were dispassionate and venomous. But what had I done? How could she hate me for no just cause? My father had taught me that hate is such a strong word and shouldn't be used anyhow. "What have I done to you, Luna?" She kicked me in my stomach. I fell again. Adding to the blinding pain on my back, I had scraped my elbow and it was bleeding a little. "Stop asking me questions!" She yelled at me. I nodded, eager to please her and stop this torment. "Get up, you filth!" My body cried in protest and the trickle I felt on my back, I knew I was bleeding in many places. But I couldn't not respond to her command. I forced myself up, using the wall for support because I was close to it. "Have you greeted me?!" What that why she was tormenting me? But I acknowledged her presence already. Every little thing I did or did not do seemed to make her mad at me. She really did hate me. "Good day, Luna." I bowed, even though my head was aching. Either that or I receive another hard hit. "On you knees." But she just told me to get up. Without a word, tears of self-pity welling, I did as she commanded. She circled me slowly, my heart beat increased, not knowing what she would do next. The scream that left my lips in the following moments was loud enough to pull down the cell I was in. I cried in pure agony. The Luna had used her artificial sharp pointed, black painted talons to scratch my back. I fell to the ground, unable to make a sound. She emitted another evil laugh, then stopped to whisper to me. "I will make life miserable for you, Amyra. I will make you wish you were never born. And with the Alpha by my side, it is going to be the easiest task I have ever indulged in." ********* Amyra was a witch who worked in the Alpha's pack manor as a maid, she had powers that were dormant in her for some reason, though she didn't even know she was a witch until another war started between the witches and werewolves. Though constantly maltreated by the Luna who knew who she was and hated what she was, she doesn't complain and tries to focus on her work. Unexpectedly finding herself in the middle of everything, she discovered who she was and also tried to navigate the powers brewing in her to bring peace and balance. But she needed Alpha Caden of Moon River pack to be able to complete this quest. An Alpha who hated her and hated the witches too. But will it work? Will she be able to save the day and end the killing of both communities she had strong links to? Will the her Alpha succumb to the passion and allow himself be used to bring this peace and balance? Or will everything fall apart and both communities will be left to keep fighting until they both finish off one other?

Chapter 1 In trouble with the Luna

"On your knees!"

The Alpha's growl reverberated harshly in my ears. I wondered what I had done this time. Wasting time no further, I crumpled to the ground on my knees. The Luna sneering in sheer hatred for me.

"Y-yes Alpha."

My voice wobbled and my eyes shone with unshed tears. I was desperately trying not to cry.

"The Luna complained you do not respect her. Why is that?"

The Alpha queried harshly.

"I do respect the Luna."

When will all these stop? What ever have I done to the Luna that she hated me so much?

"Are you saying that your Luna is lying?"

His eyes darkened in anger and I shook visibly under his intense stare. The Alpha of Moon River pack is an Alpha no one dared toyed with. He is as mean and as bad-tempered as they come.

"N-no, Alpha. I wouldn't dare insinuate such."

"Then did you disrespect her or not?"

I was in a quandary what to answer. Saying the truth would lead to punishment. Lying would also get me punished. My just swallowed and stared at them both with tears running down my eyes.

"Answer me!"

I jolted out of uncontrollable fear. Then slowly gave a small, cautious shake of my head - an indication that I hadn't in any way disrespected the Alpha.

"Still saying that your Alpha is lying?"

"I'm not insinuating that all, Alpha. But please believe me when I say I did not in any way disrespect the Luna."

"So you mean he should believe you over me?"

The Luna sneered. I gulped again, I didn't know what else to do. If not that we needed the money, I wouldn't be here. Mother is sick and she needs treatment. Father can't handle the expenses all by himself.

"But please Luna, tell the Alpha the truth. I didn't disrespect you. I bowed when others did and I didn't mumble any insulting words, I swear it."

"You mean to say I'm lying?"

Before I could respond to that, I fell backwards from the force of her hand coming in contact with my cheek. My eyes watered from the sheer sting of it. I could barely kneel properly, my head was spinning. What had she slapped me with? Or did her hand grow thrice in size when landing on my face? Pain wouldn't let me breathe well. My breath hitched and tears welled as I cradled the side of my face that was red and warm. I was already suffering enough, this was too much but I had to take it. I couldn't quit. Mother needs the money, we need the money.

"The other day you tried to poison my food. The time before that you spat in my newly laundered dress."

The Luna yelled maliciously at me. All were lies but no one would ever believe me.

"Teach this riffraff a lesson, Caden. Don't let her get away with this brazen attitude of hers?"

What brazen attitude was I exhibiting? I wish I understood where all these accusations were sprouting from?

"What do you want us to do with her?"

From my peripheral vision, I saw the Luna give a wicked grin. This was what she wanted and the Alpha was no different. He was always mean and ruthless to everyone except the Luna but mine was worse. It was as if he kept his hatred for me separate from other and on a very high level. Higher than the rest. He had on a mean smirk too.

"You, go call two of the guards for me."

The Luna ordered a maid that was waiting on them. She felt pity for me but there was nothing she could do. She hurried out and came back few minutes later with two hefty looking men.

"I want you both to punish her."

My heart pounded against my chest.

"Please Luna, I did not do anything. I didn't disrespect you. Please, Alpha. I didn't show any form of disrespect, this is the honest truth. I greeted her like the others did. I did not mumble anything."

I was begging desperately. Tears were gushing in torrents now. The men were trying to hold me steady but I was wriggling. Everyone understood what receiving the punishment meant. One would be whipped and after then thrown in cell for as long as the Alpha wanted it. I cried and begged but no one came to my aid. The Alpha and the Luna sat watching me being tied up, smiles on their face like I was putting on a show for them - an amusing one at that.

"Please, I beg of you. I didn't do anything. This punishment is uncalled for please."

"Hm. She still has the strength to talk."

The Luna sneered and stood, coming close to where I was, she used her heel to pierce my back. My scream was loud but useless because no one still came to save me from this pain.

"Please Luna."

I begged amidst cries.

"Give me the whip."

I heard her tell one of the men.

"Hold her tight, make sure she's held down firm."

The grip on my arms and legs became tighter. I couldn't move them properly.

"Please Luna. I didn't do anything. Aloha please. Okay, I'm sorry forgive me. I won't disrespect you again."

Pain weakened my bones when the whip slashed across my back. I thought I was going to die. Pain was blinding.

"See, Caden. The truth is finally out. She now agrees to disrespecting me. But it is a bit too late for that."

"Whip her harder, Phena. Next time she'll learn not to disrespect royalty."

And the Luna did whip me harder. I couldn't count how many times the whip came in contact with my skin but by the time the Luna was satisfied with her whippings, my throat was too sore to cry. My body trembled and my head hurt so bad I was unable to see anything properly.

"Get up, stupid servant!"

The Luna yelled. I tried getting up but I ended up landing on my butt which hurt me so much. My butt had not been spared from the whip.

"Drag her up and take her to the cell. Leave her there for two days."

I was too weak to cry or protest. I only prayed I didn't die from this humiliation and pain.

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The Alpha's Little Witch

Chapter 1 In trouble with the Luna



Chapter 2 Meeting Luthan



Chapter 3 Knowing Luthan



Chapter 4 Stung in the cell



Chapter 5 Luna's visit



Chapter 6 What's on my back



Chapter 7 A growing friendship



Chapter 8 Frustrated



Chapter 9 He likes me



Chapter 10 Intense pain



Chapter 11 The Luna's claws



Chapter 12 Getting wooed



Chapter 13 Unfathomable sign



Chapter 14 Punished again



Chapter 15 More tears



Chapter 16 Gadilofs



Chapter 17 Extended cell stay



Chapter 18 Voices and forces



Chapter 19 Eerie, dark veiny lines



Chapter 20 Spell-bound



Chapter 21 Lies



Chapter 22 Apology



Chapter 23 Getting Luthan to talk



Chapter 24 Planning an escape



Chapter 25 A witch is dead, trouble for the pack



Chapter 26 Escaping with Luthan



Chapter 27 Almost caught



Chapter 28 Locating home



Chapter 29 Home at last



Chapter 30 Almost drowned



Chapter 31 A concerned Luthan



Chapter 32 A nose bleed, again.



Chapter 33 Time with my parents



Chapter 34 Fury and war



Chapter 35 Meeting Heline



Chapter 36 Cuddled up



Chapter 37 A tough choice



Chapter 38 Sober discussion



Chapter 39 Telling my parents



Chapter 40 Truth and convictions
