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Chapter 1 PROLOGUE

Word Count: 1303    |    Released on: 18/09/2023

I heard my commander cr

to bring down the city gates

s, defend our lan

to no longer cause

om the commander causing us to fa

ng from use bit by bit, soldiers dying at

to me as he approached me, he held me by

nstructed pulling me further

to speak when he cut me off "this is not the time Sarah"

is hand to look at him "what are you doing?" I asked tryin

around you Sarah" he stretched is han

ght ti

he finished my sentenc

on of things he was right; the werewolves have managed to in

ow once again leading me towards a horse, I t

from behind and tried to

each other causing it to slam he

ts as it turned to look back at us and

..........I drew my sword out and

his fight, we have alway

tell it was an alpha from the color of it eyes, it wasn't going to be an ea

y to attack while still mainta

p into action, jumping towards my brother, he was quick to dodge the attack the Lycan

me which deflected my attack and cause me t

once again, it could smell us and had sharp e

change of tactics, rather than attacking one at

that we

but failed to connect and was hit s

able to dodge it and piece through its che

n away before I could attempt to pu

antage and chopping of one of its harm off compl

up my dagga while it was trying

ive out a loud cry of pain, and threw me from its back sending me to crash into a brick w

strength a little from the impact, I

above me and lending me a hand to g

on my rib and ankle which

ance "might have broken a rib or two there" I said playfully but Michael di

top of one, then

ough the city avoiding any casua

o ride out to a far distance then finally came t

w?" a soldier spoke out soon

arate ways for now to avoi

makes tracking us at

parate ways one by one after a while

o him " aren't you coming?" I asked and from t

my eyes "I need to stay back" he added " if I go wit

I asked looking at him emotionless "I would rather w

epeated "don't lo

lready knowing I wasn't going to like the answer

ld tell why, my only prayers were for my bro

s already feeling dizzy when I heard his statement "

e this and be back here in 6 months?"

warrior capable of that " and with that he kicked his horse which s

l, I believe in his word

brother I sent my horse gal

oon enough, but first I have to survive, t

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