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Story of Warriors that embark on a journey to safeguard his hometown and people by fighting wale wolves and wars. Will these Warriors succeed in their mission to bring everlasting peace and harmony in their hometown??

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE

"we need to fall back" I heard my commander cry out to the rest of us.

the werewolves have managed to bring down the city gates and have now outnumbered us.

We had two options, defend our land to death or flee,

our weapons seemed to no longer cause damage on this beast.

"fall back" loud commands came from the commander causing us to fall back to the capital of the city.

everything we ever lived for is being taking from use bit by bit, soldiers dying at every corner as they try to fight them off.

"Sarah¡¡" Michael my brother called out to me as he approached me, he held me by the elbow pulling me away from the fight.

"get yourself to safety" he instructed pulling me further away from the other warriors.

I looked at him confused, I was about to motion my mouth to speak when he cut me off "this is not the time Sarah" he said dragging me still by the elbow and leading me off.

"Michael stop" I fought him back forcing my elbow out of his hand to look at him "what are you doing?" I asked trying to understand what he meant by 'get yourself to safety'.

"the capitol is gone" he stated " look around you Sarah" he stretched is hands out to the surroundings around him.

"we fight till...."

"till death do us part" he finished my sentence "yes I know" he added

"but the fight as already been lost" considering the situation of things he was right; the werewolves have managed to infiltrate our walls which was the biggest blow for use humans.

"Michael¡¡" I called out as he grabbed my elbow once again leading me towards a horse, I tried to remain calm and let him lead the way.

Soon, a werewolves came from behind and tried to attack us unexpectedly.

I and my brother separated from each other causing it to slam head first into a wall in front use.

It looked angry from missing its targets as it turned to look back at us and clears its sight by shaking its head.

It looked hungry, hungry to kill ..........I drew my sword out and took my stand same I Michael did.

we were both ready for this fight, we have always been ready any actually.

this werewolf was not the usual...it was a bigger Lycan and one could easily tell it was an alpha from the color of it eyes, it wasn't going to be an easy kill but considering I and Michael's combat skills, we'll get the job done.

we both began to cycle it ready to attack while still maintaining eye contacts for signals

it turned towards Michael first then back at me, giving us both a growl then lipped up into action, jumping towards my brother, he was quick to dodge the attack the Lycan threw towards him, I on the other hand charged up to it and hoping for a quick kill.

it noticed my movement and threw it claws at me which deflected my attack and cause me to defend myself by dodging and backing away.

everyone was back in their original position once again, it could smell us and had sharp earring, moreover it was fast in its movement.

we began to cycle again but this time we had a change of tactics, rather than attacking one at a time we signaled to attack at same proximity.

and with that we charged.

Michael tried dissing with his sword but failed to connect and was hit sending him flying across the ground.

the Lycan tried same move with me but I was able to dodge it and piece through its chest with my sword earing a loud growl from it.

I held on to my blade but was thrown away before I could attempt to pull out my dagga and go for the head.

Michael quickly got back up using that as an advantage and chopping of one of its harm off completely making things much easier for us a little.

I got back up on my feet holding up my dagga while it was trying to fight Michael with one harm,

I jumped on it from behind and sent my dagga straight down into its brain causing it to give out a loud cry of pain, and threw me from its back sending me to crash into a brick wall while it fell to the ground, with that I knew we were done with this alpha of a Lycan.

I lay there not wanting to regain my strength a little from the impact, I might have broken a rib or 2 already.

"you okay?" Michael asked standing above me and lending me a hand to get back up on my feet which I took.

I began to feel sharp pains on my rib and ankle which earned some hissssss from me.

Michael immediately put one of my hands over is shoulders to support my balance "might have broken a rib or two there" I said playfully but Michael didn't buy it, he kept a straight face as he led me to the horses once again.

he helps me get on top of one, then got on another one.

charging the horses, we rode through the city avoiding any casualties coming from the werewolves

the moment we got out of the city we were able to ride out to a far distance then finally came to a stop meeting with other soldiers at same spot.

"they'll come for us you know?" a soldier spoke out soon as our horses came to a stop.

"we all have to go our separate ways for now to avoid being hunted all together"

which was true, it'll makes tracking us at once more difficult.

soldiers began to depart in their separate ways one by one after a while it was just me and my brother left.

"ride south" he said which caused me to turn to him " aren't you coming?" I asked and from the look on his face I already knew the answer.

"wish I could" he said causing tears to build up in my eyes "I need to stay back" he added " if I go with you, they'll find us all together " he had a point.

"wouldn't it be best if I die close to my brother?" I asked looking at him emotionless "I would rather want you to be alive" he said given me a slight smile.

"ride south" he repeated "don't look back" he added

" will I get to see my brother again?" I asked already knowing I wasn't going to like the answer he just gave me a wider smile but said nothing.

I know he wouldn't want to come with and could tell why, my only prayers were for my brother to be alive till we could reunite again.

"your wounded badly but I know you'll survive", I was already feeling dizzy when I heard his statement "meet me back here on the city mountains in 6 months"

"what makes you so sure I will survive this and be back here in 6 months?" I asked trying to understand is fate.

"I know you will, I believe in you, besides I don't know any other warrior capable of that " and with that he kicked his horse which sent it galloping as fast as it could to the direction we came from.

I knew my brother to well, I believe in his words about me surviving this.

with one last glance at my brother I sent my horse galloping facing south as well.

hopefully we will both cross parts again soon enough, but first I have to survive, then find a way to reunite with my brother.

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