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Tells the Story of the Chosen brave and strong ones sent forth by the Great Emperor in the evil forest to bring back the HEALING WATER to save the Crown Prince. Will this Chosen ones succeed in this dangerous journey, As they embark in journey of no return to Yovwe River for the HEALING WATER ??

Chapter 1 The Chosen ones

Chapter 1

(The Chosen Ones)

Some years back, I decided to partake the journey which was most dangerous as a result of a sickness that struck the first king's son. Some girls developed an immediate remorse for the current condition of the king's son, and were truly noticed by the priest. They were thus selected into the evil-forest to bring healing water from Yovwe river. The chosen ones amongst me were told to be brave, and infact to believe the adventure would become very successful.

In no time, the priest anointed us and finally asked us to go and prepare for the journey. My Mother's countenance seemed determined to show me that she would not give me a single allowance for such an odd errand as we departed from the king's palace.

A day before the journey, my mother readily argued with me, and acquired a result of success. Even as l tried to abhor her words, however, misfortune was only to be found written boldly on my face as if to say I must obey my Mother's words even under circumstances.

All my colleagues were rapidly busy with their training skills, owing to parents who were of no interest in discouragement, but I was the exceptional. Immediately l exchanged a glance of having an intention with them, anger became the common feature of tarnishing my bright face. I couldn't be seen as a happy girl, though the weather displayed a great source of happiness.

The moment the journey finally came, l was first to wake up quickly so as to leave home, because mother hadn't found a better place in her mind that could result to what I clamoured for. I was happy upon seeing my mother still sleeping like someone who had gone far into another world. I loved this previlige so much that I could not wait to show her my morning face. The morning was full of happiness but guessed the trip might seem to full of anything unbearable. We stood opposite each other as the priest was given us the rules and regulations we must take along in the evil-forest.

'Listen and listen good, l am here to inform you all that once you get to the Yovwe river, one of you must be requested as a sacrifice by the god of python, else no way to get the healing water. Don't believe anything human there. If one of you could come back alive with the healing water, the king said such person will have a reward---------- a beautiful one----------from him, instead of to go with an empty hand. I wish you-all good luck!' The priest said at last and then gave us the warrior weapons. We sang a warrior song as we dashed out of the priest and some people who came to give us farewell.

To be continued....

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