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Chapter 3 ABDUCTED

Word Count: 1246    |    Released on: 09/09/2023

, it was just... Blank. Riccardo finally broke the long contact and began taking slow steps towards her. Each steps he took sent spirals of fear down into Adriana's body. He had never expected to see

most choked her to death some seconds ago. "I was left with no choice," Adriana's lips quivered as she spoke. Her eyes were filled with her own tears as the memories flowed back into her mind. "Do you know what I went through? It was hard for me!" She suddenly yelled, tears trickling down her cheeks. "I.... I loved you, you were my everything. I could die for you, I swear! I..." the rest of the words caught up in her throat as his hand suddenly gripped her neck, choking her. "You could die for me? You're such a pretty liar, Adriana. And, I'll make you pay for everything you've done, I'll make you experience hell, mark my words," he growled while she struggled to breath under his tight grip. "I... I can't... breathe," Adriana choked out and the next second, she felt herself crashing on the cold floor. "I'll be back for you..." With that, he turned and walked out of the restaurant, leaving her shattered on the floor. Adriana held her neck which was already red from his tight grip. With her lips trembling, she cried her heart out. The sight of him was terrifying. He never gave her the chance to explain herself. What the hell was she talking about? It's been more than five years, if she could look at the other side, she was the real devil not him. ••••••• After gathering herself together, she closed the restaurant and headed home. All through, he was on her mind. His words rang back in her ears and she wondered what he meant by he'd be back for her. Her thoughts were disrupted by the ringing of her phone. She needed no one to tell her that it was her kids calling, but how could she pick it when she wasn't in her right state of mind? Her kids could sense she wasn't fine through her voice and she knew them, they wouldn't hesitate to return home immediately. Instead, she picked her phone and sent a message. * Mommy is busy now, I'll call tomorrow* the message reads. Meanwhile, Emelio and Emiliano wasn't happy with the message they had just received, they wanted to hear her voice so badly but they knew she could have been tired from

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