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Word Count: 1545    |    Released on: 03/09/2023

reement before, remember?" She sighed as she walked into her room. She dropped her bag beside the bedside and headed to the bathroom to have her night shower. As she settled on the bed, her phone ran

efore placing his hands on his waist. "In short, you're chasing me out of your restaurant?" His voice was unexpectedly high. Adriana gasped and quickly tried to defend herself. "I'd never do that sir, it's just that, the seats are all occupied, you can only have your meal somewhere else," she stated. "Too bad, I'm having my meal here and there's nothing you can do about it!" The man held his ground and Adriana sighed frustratedly. Did she forget to mention some customers can be extremely irritating? She was tired enough as it is and this pregnant man had to add more salt to her wounds? "Listen here, Mister. I don't think you understand what I mean, there's no seat left and..." "I said I'm not going anywhere!" The man yelled, shutting her off. Adriana clasped her lips together as she was suddenly at a loss of words to say. "Your restaurant is not that great and yet you act so pompous. So low," the man mumbled but Adriana would be insane if she pretended as though she didn't heard what he said. "Excuse me?" She blinked her eyes while the man clicked his tongue. "I was crazy to have come here in the first place, let's leave," the man said to his bodyguards or giants? "Hey, you pregnant man!!" Adriana yelled before she could control herself and all eyes turned to their direction immediately. As soon as the customers saw the pot bellied man,they burst into a fit of laughter as they immediately understood why Adriana had addressed him that way. "What? Pregnant man?" The man was all red in the face as he glared daggers at Adriana. "I wonder why you need to eat when you're already blessed with hundred men's tummy," she rolled her eyes. "You.... You brat!" The man raised his finger and his guards immediately surrounded Adriana. "What? You're gonna hit a woman?" Adriana challenged him, not afraid a bit. "He's a woman beater? So bad" "We need to report him to the cops," Hearing the murmurings from the people present in the restaurant, the bodyguards backed down immediately. "I'll surely be back for you!" The man shot before storming out of the restaurant. "Yes, please come back again!" Adriana yelled. She breathed out and faced her customers. "I'm sorry for the inconveniences, you can continue your meal," she smiled gently and walked to the counter. She wouldn't lie that her legs were shaking badly. When the bodyguard surrounded her earlier, she had almost peed on her pants and it took all her being to stand strong in their presence. "Gosh, they were so scary," she rubbed her chest as she exhaled deeply. Before she could blink her eyes, it was night time and the restaurant was almost empty with just two couples having a da

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