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Best Friend's Brother

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1055    |    Released on: 14/08/2023

om each other. Tilly parents had even invested in her food truck business when she started it to show their support, but she'd kept her crush on Kaleb a secret. M

point of talking about it when Kaleb wasn't even slightly interested in her. He'd complete

on the other end of the line,

im a party. I was just surprised to see him, that's all." Feeling uncomfortable, s

e enough reading for today. We can hang out later. How about you

Sasha said immediately, knowing that she wasn't

ong was Kaleb going to be around before he went


een papaya salad and tom yum to another hungry customer standing outside her food truck. Her delicio

nd because they were such good friends, when she had called Tilly that morning, frantic because she'd been down a person, Tilly had been more than willing to jump in and help. It hadn't been the first time she'd volunt

was putting them in their packages wh

her an order of pad thai, disrupti

. "Here you go." She passed the food to the customer with a smile a

. It wa

ed, and in spite of the "I don't care about him any more" speech she'd delivered to herself since

told me she'd be helping you in your food truck today

ne yelled from behind Kaleb. And when several more grumbles of agreement

spite of his glare, she hiked her chin up. "Thanks, but I'm busy though. If y

her and her troubles and I've only been back for two weeks.

a hard rap at the side door echoed in the truck. From the grill, Tilly toss

it. His big body and intense presence seemed

't an easy feat, while Tilly simply rolled her eyes, looking un

is coat and suit jacket and hung them on a wall hook. Then he rolled his sl

pped. "Where d

was happening?

elp," he add

"But let's see how much your kitchen skills have improved" She handed him a k

e utensil and started chopping fresh vegetables and chicken like a pro. Ti

ing," Kaleb reminded her

the back of his head a

t the hell

ever-growing line outside. For the next couple hour

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