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Best Friend's Brother

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1047    |    Released on: 14/08/2023

on before she finally put her hand in his and he straightened, pulling her up with him. Sasha slid her hand from his grip and t

ed him as soon as she could bring

u think? This is my house too, remember? I should b

chin a little, challenging him, "Excuse me, but I wa

assed by the attraction she realized she still felt towards him after all these years.

for a lot of trouble for failing to inform her that Kaleb was home, but she also had to tell herself the truth. Tilly probably di

as he placed his hand on her arm to stop her movement. Sasha’s eyes fell on his hands and he let g

d be happy to just stay and watch. I could c

nd, but there was something about the way he was staring at her now that told her that this time, it was different; something had changed between them, but she wasn’t sure wha

pool." Kaleb said and leaned closer, almost whisp

, “That’s why I wanted to swim in the first plac

t 'Hot' as in 'good loo

n they were younger. He probably was just as self conscious as she was, she thought…only that he was just better at hiding it

ice to see you again

you" she repl

l. For some reason she paused at the door, palm pressed to one of the panels, and glanced over her shoulder in his direction. His

didn't matter though… There was something about that look…


nd. She'd changed into one of Tilly's gowns and hurried out of the Luthors' mansion without waiting for Tilly

ed up. "I thought we agreed that you'd wait

m sorry. I… I suddenly remembered

s. It better be wort

nging the topic. "Why didn't you

ve to do have been keeping me occupied. Besides, it's

. It would have been easier if she had been expecting to see him. That way, she wouldn't have been so blown away by the inc

big hands and that God dammed one-sided smile of his that did weird ass shit

rted his own business as a freelance investor, and according to Tilly (and what

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