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Word Count: 5803    |    Released on: 27/07/2023

is girlfriend Rogue and his friend James. The sense of accomplishment from his recent recognition at college cla

at consumed Bernard's mind. He couldn't shake off the nagging sense of unease, the uncertainty that hung heavy in the air.

stination, His phone rang, jolt

his voice laced with a m

e filled with genuine care. "Are you o

ncern. "I'm almost there, about 15 m

nd a paramedic ambulance. The sound pierced through the air, signaling an urgency th

O) truck, sped past him in the opposite direction, further heightening his anxiety. The

spered, the words escapin

d for answers, for reassurance that his loved ones were safe. With each pas

ed towards his home, his legs propelled by a mixture of fear and determination. As he ne

ersonnel swarmed the area, their urgent actions a stark contrast to the tranquility that once

mes licked at the remnants of what was once his home. Tears welled up in

managed to escape unscathed. With trembling hands, he reached for his phone and di

d despair threatened to consume him. He yearned for the comfort of his lo

trength and resilience. The core struggle he faced had intensified, now encompassing not only his p

ed about Bernard's lack of response to her calls and messages. She couldn't shake off the worry that gnawed

mindful meditation after physiology," a fellow student t

lecture, attempting to push aside her concerns about Berna

fferential calculus class. It was unusual for him to miss a lecture, especially one as crucial

ity for Rogue. She fidgeted in her seat, her mind racing with worry. Finally,

really worried. He hasn't returned my calls or me

sk you the same thing. I noticed he wasn't in class today, and it

eck on him. The uncertainty of the situation weighed heavily on their hearts as they tried to n

es to end. Finally, the moment arrived, and they hurriedly made their way to

g remains of Bernard's home bore witness to the devastation that had occurred. The enormity of

ing information about Bernard and his family. With heavy hearts, they listened


him in stunned silence. Their eyes held a mix of sympathy, sorrow, and shock, reflecting the magnitude of the traged

," an officer sternly st

trength to respond. "That's my parents lying dea

is eyes filled with compassion. "W

Shaw " he replied, his vo

Bernard. I want you to know that everything is under control, and w

the barricade, his face buried in his hands. The weight of the tragedy bore d

and Bernard's head shot up. Billy, his beloved

if trying to provide comfor

evident in his eyes. "This is the only survivor," he said

aced Billy, he realized that he was not entirely alone. In the midst of unimagina

He would not allow his loved ones' deaths to be in vain. The bitter reality had etched itsel

s thoughts, he felt a tap on his shoulder, jolting him from his melancholic state. He slowly lifted hi

for you," James said softly,

lected in his gaze. James could sense the pain that Bernard c

choked with emotion. "I have lost my home, a pla

shoulder. "Don't say that, Bernard. We are here for

s difficult time. As a matter of fact, you can stay in your hostel for th

rt. In the midst of his pain, he found solace in their unwavering friendship and

o lose his balance. He stumbled and fell, his consciousness fading. In his su

shouted, her voice fille

oed in Bernard's fading awareness, and he s

coming to the forefront as they attended to Bernard's unconscious fo

ok on a new dimension. The depth of loss they had experienced was now interwoven with the urgen

settled over them. They knew that their bond and unwavering support for each other

his face. Time was running out, with just two days left before Bernard was expected to appear at the research project. The

up the call on the other end. "Hello, Bernard. I am Professor Beddin

as Nurse Clara from Princeton Hospital. Professor Dortmund's heart sank, a sinking

you're on the line with Nurse Clara from

se, please don't tell me Bernard is in the sick bay because he needs

livered the devastating news. "I'm sorry, sir

o stand still as the weight of the bitter reality settled upon him. His brilliant protégé, the

events. The rise of the underdog had taken an unforeseen detour, plunging into a

d for his presence at the research project now paled in comparison to the gravity of his health condition. T

promise-to stand by his student's side, to continue the pursuit of their shared dreams, and t

ade his way to the school gate, where Rogue was already waiting. Together, they emba

e Bernard lay motionless. Dr. Kingsway, Bernard's attending physician, was just leaving the ward

any prospect?" he inquired, his voice fil

mn, conveying the weight of the news he was about to deliver. "Calm down," he said gently. "Bernard has b

d with confusion. "I beg your pardon, that didn't

a loss of memory. In Bernard's case, if he wakes up, he may have difficulty remem

ity of the situation. "What could be the po

ly due to MDD-Major Depressive Disorder, which is the most severe form of depre

ehend the magnitude of Bernard's situation. The prospect of Bernard waking up with no mem

patients. With a nod of understanding, James and Rogue watched the doctor walk away down the brigh

. They vowed to support him through the journey of recovery, to help him rebuild his life,

der, their unwavering loyalty and love for Bernard would become th

d James to a secluded corner of the campus. The weight of the devastating si

th genuine empathy. "Unfortunately, given the limited time we have for the research project, Bernard will not be able to participate. However, I

p in thought. The reality of Bernard's losses weighed heavily on his mind, and he

is home, the place that provided him comfort and security. Now, he has also lost his chance

lectrocardiogram beeped incessantly, indicating signs of positive response in his cond

d anxiously, her eyes locke

uring smile. "It will take more time for him to get b

s of worry and uncertainty were finally giving way to hope, and she couldn't

m on the forehead, a tender gesture of affection and support. As she leaned in close, she whi

s a symbol of their enduring bond and her unwavering love. She gently placed the flower by his

to follow her, Rogue quietly stepped backward, leavin

in their own thoughts. The bitter reality they had faced seemed to be slo

tly, breaking the silence. "He's been t

"You're right. He's always been resilient. I believe he'll f

pe they needed to face the challenges that lay ahead. The rise of the underdog had taken on a ne

ting their friend on his journey to recovery. They knew that the road ahead would be filled with


a promising sign of his recovery. As he slowly opened his eyes, he saw a

a, your assigned nurse," she

felt disoriented. "Where am I?" he ask

ace," Clara replied,

ituation, Clara gently asked, "Can you remembe

ach. Despite his efforts, he couldn't recall much. "I... I can't remember," he ad

"It's okay; don't worry about it for now. You'll be fine. If you need anything or hav

there, the realization of his memory loss sank in. The gravity of his condition wei

owledge that he was in capable hands. He decided to focus on the present moment, taking co

d he struggled to recall anything beyond his own name. As he tried to piece together fragment

ant. "Baby, thank God you're up," Rogue said, her voice filled with relief and

will take you home," James said optimistical

Dr. Kingsway, who had entered the room quietly. "No, he will

gsway, puzzled and concerned. "Why not

rd needs rehabilitation," he said, his voice tinged with sorrow. "He is sufferin

of bricks. Amnesia-the word hung heavy in the air, signifyin

ns overwhelming her. "We can't fold our arms and watch

the reality of Bernard's condition. The thought of him being isolat

seeking solace in Jame

new that they needed to support Bernard on this difficult journey. They couldn't change the past, b

ng him home," James asserted firmly

Bernard's condition requires exclusive medical attention. If you try t

the thought of leaving Bernard in a sterile hospital environment, where

e and familiarity, and we can provide that for him at ho

ital. The journey to the shuttle was slow, as they allowed Bernard to take his time to

sway approached Rogue with a piece of paper in his hand. He


understood the importance of having a lifeline if the

they began the journey home. The atmosphere inside the vehicle

ollege the following week. They believed that being in a familiar and supportive environment

supportive environment were challenged by an unexpected encounter. Zack,

pping with sarcasm as he pretended to genuflect m

subjected to such cruelty. "He is not a psychopa

marks. But Rogue wasn't about to back down. "At least, his intellectual

He may have been facing memory challenges, but being labeled with

ern. "Enough, Zack. Bernard is our frien

getting a reaction from them. "Oh, come on, James. W

meone else's expense is not fun, Zack. It's bull

Rogue's words had pierced through his callous exterior. But he qu

ugh," Rogue continued, her voice steady and filled with empathy. "He's been thr

r, offering him support. "Let's go, Bernard," he sa

ry loss and the unkindness he had experienced. But he found comfort in the unwa

gether. Bernard's progress in regaining his memory was slow but steady, and he

erything the professor taught that day seemed like a new concept to him. His memory loss

hetic expression. "I'm sorry you couldn't make it to the research pr

roject was another blow to his self-esteem. It seemed like life was piling one challenge afte

erything," Bernard confessed, hi

, Bernard. You've been through a lot, and your health and well-being are what mat

deep down that he needed to focus on his rehabilitation, but he couldn't help fee

He attended classes, sought academic assistance, and engaged in therapy to aid in his recovery.

for a mathematics competition. A spark of inspiration ignited within him. While he m

dly game of video chess. Despite their best intentions, Bernard struggled to stay focused on the game. Frustrate

rds were now memories lost in the haze of amnesia. He remembered the comfort of his home, the place he once called his sanctuary,

of the universe and the infinite possibilities it held. It was in this moment

mself, his voice tinged with sadness. "But I can't let th

that dwelling on what he had lost would only hold him back from discovering what lay ahead. Instead, he would foc

outside for a while. Concerned, they joined him on the balcony. "Are you

at I can't change what happened, but I can change how I respond to it," he said, his voice steadier

er. They knew that Bernard's journey of recovery wasn't just about regaining his memory;

ing a reassuring hand on his friend's shoulder. "Whate

ne in this, Bernard. We'll face whatever c


intending to check on Bernard. However, when he reached Bernard's bed,

ickly found Rogue, who had been roused by his call. "Look what Bernard lef

ssage. "James, what does this mean?" sh

his voice heavy with uncertainty. "He says he'll

rd's journey of recovery had been challenging, and she couldn't he

eterminedly, "He shouldn't be alone

rable and that leaving without a trace could be dangerous. With a

y in the morning. No one seemed to know where he might have gone. Worried sick, they contacted th

our best to help you locate him," she said reassurin

s and asking anyone who might have seen him. They visited familiar places and ev

worry for Bernard intensified, and they couldn't help but fear the worst. They

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