Bernard junior Shaw, a brilliant student of FIST but from a very poor family who only live paycheck to paycheck, he though he could get through with live and all of a sudden he lost everything, his parent, home, his academic even his memory. He's abandon school for another pursuit. One day he found his fortune, he found a gold in mud. Now a new life is placed before him. Revenge for those who cost him harm, justice for the oppressed. And matrimony unity for the one he love. But wait! How did he recover his lost memory?
Fitsure institute of science and technology (FIST) is situated in the heart of Backham city, it holds a reputable records in academic excellence. Alot of brilliant minds have graduated from her but this year, someone extraordinary got admitted, his name is Bernard Junior Shaw.
Bernard Junior Shaw , a brilliant mathematics and computer science student at FIST, woke up to the sound of his alarm clock blaring. He groggily rubbed his eyes, his mind still foggy from a restless night of studying. As he climbed out of bed, Bernard couldn't shake off the weariness that had settled in his bones. Today was an important day at the institute, and he needed to be at his best wit.
As Bernard made his way downstairs to the cramped kitchen, the aroma of freshly baked bread filled the air. His mother was up early, kneading dough for the small cheese business they ran from their home. His father was busy packing boxes, preparing to make deliveries to local stores and consumers.
"Morning, Dad," he greeted, pouring himself a glass of strawberry juice.
"Morning, son," his father replied, glancing up briefly before returning to his work. "You look tired. Late night studying?"
Bernard sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I had a lot to catch up on. But today is the final round of the mathematics competition at the institute, and I can't afford to miss it."
His parents exchanged concerned glances. They knew how important his education was to him, and they supported him wholeheartedly. However, his family lived paycheck to paycheck, barely scraping by. The latest gadgets and luxuries were far beyond their reach.
"I wish we could get you a decent laptop," her mother said wistfully, wiping her hands on her apron. "It would make your studies so much easier."
Bernard smiled, appreciating his mother's sentiment. "It's okay, Mom. I'll manage with what I have. Besides, it's not about the gadgets; it's about the knowledge and passion."
With a determined glint in his eyes, Bernard finished his breakfast took his school bag and headed off. FIST was renowned for its rigorous academic programs, attracting students from all walks of life. As Bernard walked through the bustling halls, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness.
The mathematics competition was fierce, with some of the brightest minds in the city vying for the top spot. Bernard knew he was the underdog, lacking the resources and connections that many of his competitors had, brilliant though, he was knew he was struggling against those that are far more richer than he his. But what he lacked in privilege, he made up for in sheer determination and intellect.
As the competition began, his mind raced, his fingers swiftly working through complex equations and algorithms. Hours flew by, and when the final round came to an end, he was left breathless. The tension in the room was palpable as the judges deliberated.
Finally, the head judge cleared his throat, capturing everyone's attention. "After careful consideration, we have a winner for this year's mathematics competition."
Bernard's heart pounded in his chest as the judge paused for dramatic effect. The room fell into silence, and time seemed to stand still.
"The winner is... Bernard Junior Shaw!"
The announcement was met with a mix of shock and applause. His eyes widened in disbelief as he realized what had just happened. The underdog had risen, defying all odds and emerging victorious.
After the initial shock wore off, Bernard's eyes scanned the room for his parents. Their faces lit up with pride, and they exchanged a glance that conveyed a mixture of joy, relief, and awe. It was a defining moment for Bernard, a moment that affirmed his belief in himself and his abilities.
As he walked towards the podium to receive his award, his mind began to wander. The mathematics competition was just the tip of the iceberg. He knew that there was a much bigger world out there, waiting for him to conquer it.
Over the following weeks, Bernard's life underwent a remarkable transformation. News of his triumph spread like wildfire, and he became somewhat of a local celebrity. He received invitations to prestigious events, scholarships, and opportunities he had only dreamed of before. But amidst the excitement, he remained grounded, never forgetting his humble beginnings.
One day, while Bernard was engrossed in his studies at the academy's library, he overheard a conversation that caught his attention. Two professors were discussing a groundbreaking research project involving artificial intelligence and its potential applications in various fields.
Intrigued, He eavesdropped on their conversation, his curiosity piqued. The professors mentioned that they were looking for a capable student to assist them in their research. It was a chance for him to immerse himself in cutting-edge technology and make a real impact on the world.
With determination blazing in his eyes, Bernard approached the professors and expressed his interest in the project. To his surprise, they recognized his name from the mathematics competition and were impressed by his skills. After a brief discussion, they offered him the opportunity to join their team.
Excitement bubbled within Bernard as he accepted the offer. It was a pivotal moment in his life, a turning point that would shape his future. With each step, Bernard would question his own identity, not only as a brilliant student but also as a person with the power to shape the course of events.
And so, as Bernard embarked on this thrilling journey, he knew that the core struggle was not only to uncover the truth but also to prove that true strength came from within, regardless of one's background or circumstances.
With the excitement of his newfound opportunities buzzing in his veins, Bernard rushed home to share the news of his achievement with his parents. The small apartment felt warmer than usual as he opened the door, anticipation coursing through him.
"Mom! Dad! You won't believe what happened!" He exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement.
His parents looked up from their cheese business, their faces breaking into proud smiles as they saw the spark in his eyes.
"Bernard, my boy, you did it!" Mr. Shaw beamed, setting aside the cheese wheel he was working on.
Mrs. Shaw enveloped Bernard in a tight embrace, her eyes shimmering with a mixture of joy and tears. "I knew you could do it, sweetheart! Every positive step you take brings you closer to your success. Don't ever let your poor background put you down."
Her words struck a chord deep within Bernard's heart. He felt a surge of conflicting emotions-a mixture of joy and gratitude, intertwined with a tinge of sadness. It was a poignant reminder of the struggles his family faced daily, the limitations that poverty placed upon their lives.
He had always been acutely aware of their financial struggles. He had seen his parents work tirelessly, sacrificing their own dreams to ensure that he had a chance at a better life. The weight of their sacrifices bore down on him, igniting a fire within him to break free from the cycle of poverty and create a brighter future.
But even in that moment of celebration, Bernard couldn't shake the nagging thought that success often seemed just out of reach for someone like him. He had triumphed in the mathematics competition, but what would come next? Would his background always hold him back, or could he truly overcome the odds stacked against him?
His parents sensed the mix of emotions that washed over Him, and they held him tighter, their love and support serving as an anchor in the storm of doubts and insecurities.
"Sweetheart , my dear, never forget that your brilliance, determination, and character define who you are, not your circumstances," Mrs. Shaw whispered, her voice filled with unwavering belief. "You have the power to rise above it all, to break the barriers that society has placed before you."
His father chimed in, his voice filled with pride. "Son, we may not have much, but we have something money can't buy-a family that loves and supports you unconditionally. As long as you have that, nothing can hold you back."
Bernard nodded, a renewed sense of purpose coursing through his veins. He realized that his parents' words were not just meant to console him but to empower him. They reminded him that his journey was not only about personal success but also about breaking the chains of inequality and proving that dreams could flourish in the most unlikely places.
With his parents' words echoing in his mind, He felt a newfound determination take hold. He knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but he also understood that his journey was about more than just himself. It was about defying expectations, challenging societal norms, and fighting for a future where opportunities were not dictated by one's background.
As he looked into his parents' eyes, he saw the unwavering love and hope that had guided him thus far. He made a silent promise to himself and to them that he would not let their sacrifices be in vain. He would rise above his circumstances and embrace the potential that lay within him, for his family, for himself, and for all those who had ever been labeled as good – for – nothing.
With determination burning bright in his eyes, he set his sights on the challenges that lay ahead, ready to face them head-on. The rise of the underdog had only just begun.
Bernard spent two glorious days with his parents, relishing the warmth and love that surrounded him. They celebrated his achievements, sharing laughter, and reminiscing about the struggles they had overcome together. But as the time came for Him to return to his hostel at FIST, a familiar mix of excitement and determination filled his heart.
As he walked into his apartment, ready to unpack his belongings, his friend James Becketts barged in unannounced, a look of urgency on his face.
"What will you do this time?" James blurted out, his eyes wide with anticipation.
Bernard raised an eyebrow, puzzled by his sudden question. "What are you talking about, James?"
"Professor Beddingfield has been looking for you. He wants to discuss the research project. I overheard some students talking about it."
Recognition flickered in Bernard's mind as he remembered the name. Professor Beddingfield was one of the professors who had offered him the opportunity to join the groundbreaking research project involving artificial intelligence. The mention of his name sparked a surge of curiosity and anticipation within him.
Without wasting a moment, He grabbed his jacket and rushed out of his apartment, James following closely behind. They made their way through the bustling campus, their excitement palpable in the air. Bernard's mind buzzed with questions and possibilities, wondering what awaited him in Professor Beddingfield's office.
When they arrived at the professor's office, Bernard took a deep breath to steady his nerves. He knocked on the door, and a muffled voice beckoned them inside. As they stepped into the room, His gaze landed on the bespectacled figure of Professor Beddingfield , his eyes gleaming with intellect and curiosity.
"Ah, Bernard Shaw , excellent timing!" Professor Beddingfield greeted, rising from his chair. "I've been hoping to catch you. Please, have a seat."
Bernard and James settled into the chairs in front of the professor's desk, anticipation coursing through their veins. The professor leaned back, clasping his hands together, his expression a mix of intrigue and excitement.
"Bernard, I must say, I've been thoroughly impressed by your academic achievements," Professor Beddingfield began, his voice filled with admiration. "Your victory in the mathematics competition caught my attention, and I've been following your progress ever since."
Bernard's heart swelled with pride, humbled by the professor's words. He nodded, acknowledging the acknowledgment.
"I have a proposition for you," Professor Beddingfield continued, leaning forward. "Our research project involving artificial intelligence is progressing rapidly, but we need someone with your exceptional analytical skills and creativity to take it to the next level. We believe you are the perfect fit for the team."
Bernard's eyes widened, his mind racing with the magnitude of the opportunity before him. The chance to work on cutting-edge technology alongside brilliant minds was a dream come true. It was a chance to delve deeper into his passion, to make a lasting impact on the world.
Without hesitation, He accepted the professor's proposition, his voice filled with determination. "I am honored, Professor Beddingfield . I am ready to contribute my skills and dedicate myself to this research project. Together, we will push the boundaries of artificial intelligence and reshape the future."
A glimmer of satisfaction shone in Professor Beddingfield's eyes as he extended his hand, sealing their agreement. "Welcome aboard, Bernard. Your journey is about to take a thrilling turn, filled with innovation, challenges, and discoveries that will shape the world.
As Bernard and James left Professor Beddingfield 's office, a surge of excitement coursed through his veins. The core struggle he had faced throughout his life suddenly took on a new meaning. It was no longer just about personal success, but about using his skills and opportunities to make a meaningful difference in the world.
Early the next morning, Bernard found himself at the institute cafeteria, seated with his friend James Becketts and his girlfriend Rogue Denis . The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as they engaged in light-hearted conversation, savoring the moments before the start of a new day.
As they chatted, a local news station played on a nearby television screen, catching Bernard's attention. The news anchor's voice filled the room, announcing the latest breakthrough in AI research-the very project that he had been enlisted for.
His heart skipped a beat as he listened intently, excitement mingled with a touch of trepidation. The news anchor spoke of the project's potential to revolutionize various industries and reshape the way society functioned. It was a surreal moment, hearing about his own involvement on the news, a sign that his journey as an underdog was propelling him into the spotlight.
Unable to contain his enthusiasm, He excused himself from the table, stepping away to make a phone call to his parents. He dialed his father's number, eager to share the news and seek their guidance.
"Dad, I've been enlisted for a six-month research project," He exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and pride.
His father's voice resonated with a hint of pride and encouragement. "C'mon, boy, shake off the dust and show the world your wit. We believe in you."
But before his father could offer any further words of encouragement, a sudden blast reverberated through the phone. Bernard's heart raced as the line went dead, leaving him in stunned silence. Panic gripped him, and he desperately tried to reconnect the call, only to be met with silence.
Shaken by the sudden disruption, Bernard returned to the table, his face etched with concern. Rogue noticed the change in his demeanor and reached out, concern etched on her face.
"Bernard, are you okay?" Rogue asked, her voice filled with worry.
Bernard struggled to find the right words, his mind racing with thoughts of his family's safety. "I... I'm not sure. Something happened. The call with my dad, it... it got cut off after a sudden blast."
James's eyes widened in alarm, his voice laced with concern. "What blast? Are you sure everything is alright?"
He shook his head, his voice tinged with anxiety. "I don't know. It sounded like an explosion. I'm just... I'm worried about my family. I need to make sure they're safe."
Rogue squeezed His hand, offering him reassurance. "We'll find out what happened, Bernard. Let's not jump to conclusions just yet. We'll contact the authorities and make sure your family is okay. Stay strong."
Her words provided a glimmer of hope in the midst of uncertainty. Bernard took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. He knew he had to remain focused, not only for his family but also for the journey that lay ahead-the research project that could potentially change the world.
With a determined expression, He gathered his composure, his mind filled with a newfound resolve. He would face whatever challenges came his way, armed with the strength and resilience instilled in him by his family. He realized that his rise was not just about personal triumph; it was about overcoming adversity and protecting those he held dear.