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The Arrogant Mrs CEO

Chapter 5 Dinner With Her Mother

Word Count: 1315    |    Released on: 25/07/2023

aughed inside her bathroom. That was the first time a

school, Lora, whose mother owned a private polytechni

had said, considering Lora was th

ed oral sex on their boyfriends, and it was an

id is cheating on me," Cindy remembered her respon

David enough, you won't be shy to

that," Cindy affirmed as she recalled t

her wet body with a white towel, and then picked

, stepped out of her room, and headed do

ting on the living room

the couch and walked t

ner around the dining table, also providing bowls of water f

er. As she was about to eat the delicious okra soup in

ce and then Esther's, before finally ble

dinner ended, knowing she had failed to properly

Lukeman and decided to let her rest first and prepare to meet J

nships had all been arranged, and now she was determined to speak to Cindy becaus

age of 20, and now she thought it best to agree w

the men she had recen

ect her relationships. Most men desired a caring and swe

Likewise, Cindy and Esther washed their hands. Cindy stood up

ur plate to the kitchen, Cindy. Remember, Es

nd looked back

he walked up to the dining table to clear her

t upstairs to her room to rest, wanting

Cindy knew that all of Lora's birthdays wer

for five years since t

join her mother in teaching at the polytechnic instead of searching

head of her in school, they were the same age. She happily a

ends compared to Cindy, who was mostly


eeling alone in the big house. She decided to watch television in her be

ed young man she had seen at the marketplace

husband wasn't an option

hip to the handsome man. However, she fo

one day, expressing her heart but he had rejected her, even

ted that her husband was frequentl

as her family doctor had told her that both she and her husband were f

a somewhere, but he had never once mentioned remar

, and although he knew his wife wanted more children, it was neither

husband worked in the police departmen

nternet and checking her social media page to


ed over to her bed, continuing to think abou

pondering, "What if I don

again. Maybe I should go back to that shopping mall and pretend I want to buy somethi

again and bit her lower lip, contemplating whether she

How do I explain to Lora that I've fallen in love with a poor wretched man

aced her phone down on her bed. She knew Lora would be foc

internet and check her social medi

herself. Some silly men admired her photos, particularly when she wor

ted in her new friends online, as

ck in the drawer, then walked to her bathroom to uri

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