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The Beta She Rejected

The Beta She Rejected


Chapter 1 Death and Handover

Word Count: 1005    |    Released on: 24/07/2023

ed his body as he coughed out blood from his mouth. Around both of them a handfu

one last glance at the face of the woman before him. One last thing was expected of him b

leadership of the whole Mooncrest pack. Obey all orders from her fro

them,...how could he give a mere Luna authority ov

last, the roar echoed around the whole plain covered in bodies s

ollowed suit excluding the Luna who staggered to get feet with a necklace which had fallen off the deaf

they slowly laid the body of the dead wolf on

dangling from her hands, all eyes turned towards her direction as

d back in fear. Ever since she Marcus became infected with the evil plague,she had become cold-

seven inches she stood high and walked with an air of authority around her earning the phrase of jealous ones from her feminine folk

midst pausing a bit to glance at the dead body bef

nces, dismissed" she stated in a matter of fact way as the whole crowd slowly drift away excluding some Beta's,each person walked with a rhetorical question

?" A green eyed wolf

on he lost his life in the process" A wolf who was still healing p

te some time since you all came back here"

we are healing rather slowly than expected"

u are now pack leader so act like one" The elde

but this time that head in a slow procession to the cremati

taken out for the store room beside and laid all around it, finally the torch

s the blazing torch crackled in Scarlett'

d........" this and various other thoughts kept popping on and off her head as beads

ore her as she began the process and soon the whole stack if wo

emain only Scarlett who remained standing watching the fire burning the flesh of one she

educed to ashes as she took out a case from inside one of the various crannies of the Chamber. Scoping out enounce handful to fill the vase halfway she covered the vased and walke

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