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The Beta She Rejected

The Beta She Rejected

Mira Writes


Luna Scarlett, mate to the dying alpha of the Mooncrest wolf pack has been given leadership over the whole pack earning unspoken murmuring and grudges from the wolves around. What happens when a Luna suddenly came to be the leader of the Mooncrest pack when her mate and Alpha died in war in her own very arm's turning her cold blooded. Will she be able to stand the pressure and prove herself worthy of leading the pack or who she succumb and watch the pack slip from her fingers. What will happen when a beta falls in love with her, hoping to make her his mate even if it means laying his life for her. What will happen now that the night of the blue moon is close,she is required to choose a mate for herself or risk fighting to save herself from the ursupers of the throne. Would she choose a mate or would she fight to either keep her position if she won or lose it if she lose. Join me as we travel to a time of love, loss and regret.

Chapter 1 Death and Handover

She held him in his hands as blood dripped from his wounds, several gashes covered his body as he coughed out blood from his mouth. Around both of them a handful of wolves surround them, though not left out in gashes that were slowly healing.

The wounded wolf slowly glanced around the anxious faces looking down on him, he also took one last glance at the face of the woman before him. One last thing was expected of him before he died and he knew what to do, groaning to get their attention; he slowly spoke out.

"With dying strength and bravery, I hereby confer upon the Luna the leadership of the whole Mooncrest pack. Obey all orders from her from now henceforth" The dying Wolf that seems to be an Alpha spoke out.

A way of grunting and murmuring broke out amongst them,...how could he give a mere Luna authority over them all... The thought ran across their minds.

The Luna let out an angry fierce roar as the Alpha breathed his last, the roar echoed around the whole plain covered in bodies showing a bloody war that had just taken the life of their Alpha.

One wolf slowly lifted the body from her hands and hoist it on his shoulders zooming off as the others followed suit excluding the Luna who staggered to get feet with a necklace which had fallen off the deaf wolf, taking a few tentative steps she headed home neither running nor walking; just staggering forward.

The wounded wolves arrived inside the city as they slowly laid the body of the dead wolf on the ground while forming a semicircle around it.

Soon the Luna staggered into the city gates with the necklace still dangling from her hands, all eyes turned towards her direction as no one seemed to recognize her as she was covered in filth and blood.

"Is that not Scarlett, Marcus's mate?" a voice rang out from amongst the crowd as they staggered back in fear. Ever since she Marcus became infected with the evil plague,she had become cold-hearted but puts up a show cos he is still alive. Now he is dead,who knows what they would face.

Scarlett Gray was one of the most beautiful if not the most beautiful female wolves in the Mooncrest pack, standing a full six feet seven inches she stood high and walked with an air of authority around her earning the phrase of jealous ones from her feminine folk. Her face glittered like it was rubbed with oil,as her Ebony Black hair hung over her shoulders, in total she was drop dead gorgeous.

The crowd made way for her as she passed into their midst pausing a bit to glance at the dead body before her as she walked over to the front of everyone.

"I have nothing else to say but this,the rules of Woodcrest have changed. As the new leader of the pack; you all take orders from me or you face the consequences, dismissed" she stated in a matter of fact way as the whole crowd slowly drift away excluding some Beta's,each person walked with a rhetorical question swirling around in his or her brain as they thought about how they will get to live under this been set rules she was was about to lay down for them to follow.

"What happened to him?" A green eyed wolf asked, stepping closer.

"The evil plague weakened him a lot in the battlefield,though we won he lost his life in the process" A wolf who was still healing proffered an explanation when none was forthcoming from the others.

"Why are your wounds healing,it's been quite some time since you all came back here" An elderly blue eyed wolf asked concerned.

"They used a specific kind of silver on us,we are healing rather slowly than expected" The wolf who answered earlier spoke out again.

"Scarlett you need to put yourself together, you are now pack leader so act like one" The elderly wolf added before turning and walking away.

Nodding at the wolves around,the dead body was hoisted again but this time that head in a slow procession to the cremation chamber with Scarlett still at the rear of the procession.

The body was laid out on the stone slab used for cremation as chopped wood was taken out for the store room beside and laid all around it, finally the torch was litted and handed over to Scarlett to lit up the body to began cremation.

There was a momentary period of silence as the blazing torch crackled in Scarlett's hand's as she thought about what to do.

"Should I drop the torch or do I lit it up,either ways he is still gonna get cremated........" this and various other thoughts kept popping on and off her head as beads of tears dripped down her face careful not to fall into the deep dimple on her face.

Taking a look arond she sniffed before lighting up the part before her as she began the process and soon the whole stack if wood was burning furiously crackling like a monsterous forest fire.

The Beta's left one after the other with heads hung on their shoulders till it came to remain only Scarlett who remained standing watching the fire burning the flesh of one she once called mate as more tears came rushing this time freely like the fountain of waters.

Her eyes soon grew weary of crying as she sat on a stone watching the fire slowly dying down as the chamber filled up with acridic smell of burnt flesh,soon the glowing coal was reduced to ashes as she took out a case from inside one of the various crannies of the Chamber. Scoping out enounce handful to fill the vase halfway she covered the vased and walked out into the sunlight with one thought gradually registering itself into her mind, the Mooncrest pack shall now see the true meaning of leadership that they had never seen before.

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