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Unrequited love; Whispers of the heart

Unrequited love; Whispers of the heart


Chapter 1 Tender hearts

Word Count: 2117    |    Released on: 05/07/2023

e it was a song to them. The night was in accordance with the cool soothing air, w

their lives, and enjoying the peaceful serenity of nature. For most people present, they wished the

excited. She was a lover of nature who was in no doubt, taking her time to breathe in the soothing air of refreshment and the gift of nature. She was lying in the warm sand, with her face upwards to th

ry blue eyes of his, you could feel yourself drowning in them. He had the smile of a demi god and was always the center of attraction for girls. Like his best friend, he was enjoying the peaceful nature of the environment around him,

the time in a house which was next to the one Alex and his family had just moved in. Sarah was the only child while Alex had a younger sister nam

an Sarah, he acted like her big brother,and she was like the younger sister he lost. Thei

rely a very celebrated one in both families, as the kids celebrated their birthdays together and almost everyday. They did almost everything together,

lationship they had. Both catering to the needs of one another and giving words of encouragement and advice to the other. They were s

ied dating other girls but he had no luck. Few of them rejected him because of his friendship with Sarah, while Megan- the onl

chose Alex over them. She got lucky with a guy named Tyler she was dating at the time, but barely two months into the relationship, he broke up because he was fed up of Alex's presence always hov

n't believe how fast they'd grown. Sarah was 17 at the time and Alex was 18. They both decided t

le they were much younger, she made alot of silly paintings and drawings of Alex which would make him cry then, but he was used to it now and always looked forward to a s

is excitement and optimism he was granted an admission and he was head over heels happy. His happiness was doubled when he learnt that he and Sar

that they would be studying together in the same school. They wish

hey always had time for their weekend schedules since the other days were always hectic from school and they barely had time for each ot

ctures came and left, practicals, assignments, even the annoying lectures, they were finally on summer break, pre

at the shinning stars in the sky. Feeling the cool air blow gently on their skin, watching the tree

ing him lightly on his shoulders, this was a ni

that" Alex pointed to t

I could also choose to draw you and

got him everytime. She always had a way of saying sill

e nice and just dr

face him in the sand, laughing lightly. He chuckl

s tongue " You'll soon be free, af

t historians and inventors in the world" She interrupted, laughing, and completing his sentence "

erious, and graduation

u've been singing abo

ited, you know, how far

that way, but my ear hurts from hearing that al

s I am . We're finally going to t

making Alex quite curiou

s intri

you just say w


e're adults. You're 23, and I

t quite hurt by her laughter, but that wouldn't last long. She turned a

Did I say something t

fine S

that c

when? " She tickled him till he gave in, laughing hard " See...

hy you keep making me

silly little bestie, y

he starred at him. If there was something about this two, it was the love and understanding they both had for e

g down on the sand and just staring

ly mean what

hat is

raduation, taking a break from everyone and

biggest dream and

ppens to


at happens to me in particular Lex. Wi

n, she was such a sweet and sensitive person and he knew the answer to her question should be

he question again, and this time it was like she was on th

e pains, the tears. And remember the day I lit my shorts on fire when I tried making bacons for you?" She laughed out loudly, the scene repl

her chin to face him " We're going to make the best of memories this remaining year befor

tight to himself. He kissed her forehead gently, then whispering

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