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Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 1142    |    Released on: 17/05/2023

nts get to see a wolf tea

curled her little hands into fists. I bared m

fter who lived among the rodents and could kick their furry asses, but Hea

fae magic, but she reached into the pocket of her white coat,

r too incompetent to heal

rned my gaze to the house's interior. Mum was in there, likely still shake

ck to Healer Asena, she

shack two doors down stretched out a ha

offered her

door while you

my chest loosen

shook my head. "Keep them in e

, and slipped them into the pocket of my overalls

d through the wards of our home. Mum had set them up so the shack looke

stepped across the oak floors, expecting to see Mum huddled on one of the leather sofas or crying in

e direction of her ro

glazed and looking like she'

ss the room to grab her by the arms

e. She had never been robust like the other female wolves, even though

hurt you

rhododendron pollen

tched. "Are you

e Spring Equinox of your twenty-fir

f bruising. When I was satisfied that Mum wasn't hu

this time?" I smoothed her h

"Only an hour's worth, so I could check

had been walking with a permanent limp and being relegated to the bott

f into what humans would call the occult. Mum communed with disembodied spirits and lost

ou sleep it

she said in a voice that sounded li

n the Wolf

night, you will

ng fire and frowned. "If t

ction, making me frown. "You were meant for

o tell me this on a daily basis, assuring me that I would surpass all th

sane when the Mondo twins and their hangers-on made my life a misery. It had even

e of those notions and send me spir

glazed eyes. "Sorr

rustrated, but you're the caterpillar that has outgrown its cocoon and want

down at a four-inch-lon

low its lowest point. Two diagonal lines splayed downward from each side of the stalk,

y fingers around it and closed her eyes. "When you look

I shook

mfortable. Mum was always like this during the festivals. Festivals were times

back cracked and popped from a har

t looked like he would make me regret going to the Wolf Moon,

e mate? I stared down at h

ere was a tiny chance that Mum was right about t

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