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Chapter 3 Two.

Word Count: 1177    |    Released on: 16/04/2023

floor making sure the girl was alright. The food sh

matron took Melissa's hand in h

already stained wit

t you didn't get injured" t

he keep bullyin

don't have to

true" Meli

Amy was slowly t

to you but don't let hate grow in your heart child,

right. Amy hated her for a reason and s

she treats me this way"

ng a good girl no

e woman. She cleaned herself up

try of food and an ext

the rest of the children were doing and if Melissa was happy

ew what she did was wrong to Melissa, she still

from her and was determined to make

es wanted to adopt her but looking at her records, they im

ter all the instructions she got from the stranger was to wait until he gave the go ahead for he

a hawk eye on Amy and treated her like she

ne, not even Amy would bully her in any way. Hence why Amy usuall

ld sit with the staff for every meal, and stuff her face i

time outside like the rest of the children. Since Amy ha

e kids played around the slide

few feet away contemplatin

y with us?" a girl

" Melissa replie

the girl ran to Melissa grabbing h

before, she sat down and slid down bumping i

the impact and the rest who

happy. Her little worries about how her body

pushes she got or from playing around, M

or two to heal on a normal

rked. In fact she believed it. But out of curiosity she dec

ed her. She had to refer back to the dictionary to find out wh

and left it at that was how the human body was. Plus

she though

she claimed the ladder to the slide, she didn'

le design, meant to

eady to slide down for sum more f

st because the matron babies yo

r her, she continued to t

to see how much of a freak you are". The moment she said

he sound of a crack was heard and seeing how she fell, Amy and

, everywhere hurt. A few seconds into her tears, she got the urge to sit up and

ir own and popped the bones back together. It

e heard from

n some of the children called for her. The tray on her

ld could have broken a bone, she hurried to where the slide was.

t the child didn't respon

?" Melissa mumbled, sh

came close

pecting the child she had pulled up to stand. "Ta

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