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In a world of werewolves and hunters, orphaned girl Melissa never suspected she was one of them. But when she befriends a man who turns out to be a hunter, her life takes a dangerous turn. Shipped off to be adopted by a werewolf family, Melissa realizes too late that her new family is being targeted by her old friend. Desperate to save them, she runs away and finds herself in the company of the most dangerous and vicious Alpha in the land. As she learns to harness her werewolf powers, Melissa can't deny the attraction she feels toward her mate. But as the hunter closes in, Melissa must fight for her life and the lives of those she loves. Will she be able to survive the coming battle, or will she fall to the hunter's deadly plan?

Chapter 1 Prologue

The books do slight justice to the information they gave about the existence of werewolves to which had been kept hidden for years.

Normally, a curious mind would want to know more and study such existence but when that curiosity turns to hate and jealousy; the hate from an action from a few stray wolves and jealousy from not having such a gift, chaos is not left far behind.

Humans are at nature prone to violence. This comes in two ways, more like the Ying and yang, a push and a pull.

Once there's a reason for the urge to grow, then it spreads. This is what happened in the werewolf world.

Even though history points in different directions to what werewolves are and how they came to be, it didn't forget to mention the role pure or ordinary humans played in writing it. Their vicious desire to know how werewolves came to be, capturing them for experiment purposes which in turn angered these beasts into violence, making innocents suffer along the way and the innocents rising against werewolves for destroying their lives and wanting justice.

The Justice side soon raised the first ever hunters into becoming. Their mission was to investigate incidents and determine if the said werewolf deserves some sort of punishment. But as the days aged, the mission changed and the blows hunters threw at werewolves became fierce and without reason. So long as they existed, they were going to be haunted, for they're being is an abomination.

The numbers of werewolves began to decrease as well as the hunters. This pushed the beasts into hiding and having to be as calculated as possible to stay undetected in the woods and among human.

A few families of hunters upheld the traditions their forefathers forged and taught their children to teach their own children to fight, haunt and hate werewolves.

From birth Dylan Summers was taught first about them and soon like his father harbored hate without reason. He was trained to be a fighter and he learned to be the best, even better than his father had ever been. From being just a son, his father took him to be his right hand man. This made him respected in the hunters community which soon spread to the doors of the Weres.

Mothers told stories of the bad man who hunted innocent pups. Fathers trained their children to defend themselves, so that they could have a chance to survive in an attack.

But that was not enough, with Dylan roaming the woods, it was never enough. For each pack he visited, blood shed and fire burned.

The latest of his conquest had been the Ever Green Pack. This was not only a small pack but a peaceful one. The type that could easily be forgotten about. The pack from his observation had only about thirty five wolves, children included.

He had studied them, followed as many as he could to be sure and waited for the right moment to strike a blow.

The night of the attack came like a normal day, knowing this was going to be an easy victory, Dylan took a few men, less than ten into the woods. Well armed to the teeth, they attacked. And as usual, the Alpha's house was the first to receive the first impact.

Take the head and the body will fall. And so it did. Feeling their Alpha die weakened them that even with their unnatural strength, they fell to their doom.

Dylan had personally been the one to kill the Alpha and his mate. He always had a fixation for dealing with he leaders, it fed his ego and grew his pride.

As he was about to leave the Alpha's house, he heard a cry.

"A baby" he whispered. He followed the voice which led him to a small room. Opening the door cautiously, he first checked in and made sure there were no other wolves around before making his way to the baby's cradle.

Looking at the infant, Dylan put away his knife and gun, placing them securely in their spots on his body.

He picked up the child and cooed it to stop crying. Looking at the bow on its head, he concluded it was a girl.

He had a child of his own, a new born. His stone heart melted for a while as he paced around the room comforting the child. As he turned, he noticed the name carved on the cradle.

'Ainsley' it read.

Dylan smiled to himself, at least now he wouldn't have to stress looking for a name for the child.

Normally he should have ended the child. Especially when she was parented by Alphas.

He thought of what to do with her, but surely he couldn't bring himself to harm the child, at least not one this small and innocent.

He walked out of the room and out the house making his way to his car when he got an epiphany, one he was so sure had to be from god.

He was going to take the child to an orphanage. At least there he could keep an eye on her.

The looks he received from his team made him uncomfortable, but then again who would dare utter a word?

They knew for him to have spared the child, he must have a plan up his sleeves.

Instead of driving home as usual, Dylan diverted to the orphanage that was quite far from town, if the child was to survive, she would have to be in a place humans would not care to investigate or poke nose around.

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